Delete trailing whitespace.
[freeradius.git] / dialup_admin / bin / log_badlogins
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # Log failed logins in the sql database
4 # Works with mysql, postgresql and Oracle
5 # It will read the sql parameters from the admin.conf file
6 #
7 # Usage:
8 # log_badlogins <radius.log> [<admin.conf>] [all]
9 #
10 # Defaults:
11 # radius.log: none
12 # admin.conf: /usr/local/dialup_admin/conf/admin.conf
13 # all:        no. Go to the end of the file. Don't read it all.
15 use Date::Manip qw(ParseDate UnixDate);
16 use Digest::MD5;
17 $|=1;
19 $file=shift||'none';
20 $conf=shift||'/usr/local/dialup_admin/conf/admin.conf';
21 $all_file=shift||'no';
22 #
23 # Uncomment to force inserts even if there are sql errors. That can
24 # help in case there is one sql query which stops the whole failed
25 # logins logging system from working
26 #$force=1;
27 #
28 #
30 #
31 #$regexp = 'from client localhost port 135|from client blabla ';
32 $tmpfile='/var/tmp/sql.input';
33 #
34 $verbose = 0;
35 #
37 open CONF, "<$conf"
38         or die "Could not open configuration file\n";
39 while(<CONF>){
40         chomp;
41         ($key,$val)=(split /:\s*/,$_);
42         # Fixme : recursivly solve %{.*} replacement for $val
43         # Fixme: Conf should be put in an associative array
44         $sql_type = $val if ($key eq 'sql_type');
45         $sql_server = $val if ($key eq 'sql_server');
46         $sql_username = $val if ($key eq 'sql_username');
47         $sql_password = $val if ($key eq 'sql_password');
48         $sql_database = $val if ($key eq 'sql_database');
49         $sql_accounting_table = $val if ($key eq 'sql_accounting_table');
50         $realm_strip = $val if ($key eq 'general_strip_realms');
51         $realm_del = $val if ($key eq 'general_realm_delimiter');
52         $realm_for = $val if ($key eq 'general_realm_format');
53         $domain = $val if ($key eq 'general_domain');
54         $sql_timeout = $val if ($key eq 'sql_connect_timeout');
55         $sql_extra = $val if ($key eq 'sql_extra_servers');
56         $sqlcmd = $val if ($key eq 'sql_command');
57         $clients= $val if ($key eq 'general_clients_conf');
58 }
59 close CONF;
61 open CLIENTS, "<$clients"
62         or die "Could not open $clients file\n";
63 while(<CLIENTS>){
64         chomp;
65         s/^\s*//g;
66         s/\s*#.*//g;
67         if (!/^\s*$/ && /=/) {
68                 ($key,$val)=(split /\s*=\s*/,$_);
69                 $client_short = $val if ($key eq 'shortname');
70         } else {
71                 if (/\{/) {
72                         s/.*client\s+([^\s]*)\s+\{.*$/\1/;
73                         if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) {
74                                 $client = $_;
75                         } else {
76                                 if (/\./ || /localhost/) {
77                                         $name = $_ ;
78                                 } else {
79                                         $name = $_.".".$domain;
80                                 }
81                                 $addr = gethostbyname $name;
82                                 ($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack('C4',$addr);
83                                 $client = "$a.$b.$c.$d";
84 #DEBUG#                         print $name." = ".$client."\n";
85                         }
86                 } else {
87                         if (/\}/) {
88                                 $client_array{$client_short} .= $client;
89                         }
90                 }
91         }
92 }
93 close CLIENTS;
95 $realm_del = '@' if ($realm_del eq '');
96 $realm_for = 'suffix' if ($realm_for eq '');
97 if ($sql_type eq 'mysql'){
98         $pass = ($sql_password ne '') ? "-p$sql_password" : '';
99 }
100 else{
101         $pass = $sql_password;
102 }
103 $pass =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
104 die "SQL server not defined\n" if ($sql_server eq '');
106 die "sql_command directive is not set in admin.conf\n" if ($sqlcmd eq '');
107 die "sql command '$sqlcmd' not found or does not seem to be executable\n" if (! -x $sqlcmd);
109 $opt = "";
110 $opt = "-O connect_timeout=$sql_timeout" if ($sql_timeout);
111 $opt .= " -f" if ($force);
112 @servers = (split /\s+/,$sql_extra) if ($sql_extra ne '');
113 unshift @servers, $sql_server;
115 open LOG, "<$file"
116         or die "Could not open file $file\n";
117 if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Opened $file\n" }
119 seek LOG, 0, 2 if ($all_file eq 'no');
120 for(;;){
121         while(<LOG>){
122                 if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Reading $file\n" }
123                 $do=0;
124                 chomp;
125                 next if ($regexp ne '' && !/$regexp/);
126                 if ($_ ne ''){
127                         $user = $nas = $port = $caller = '-';
128                         if (/Login incorrect/){
129                                 if (/Login incorrect \((.+?)\):/){
130                                         $cause = "Login-Incorrect ($1)";
131                                         if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Login-Incorrect ($1)\n" }
132                                 }else{
133                                         $cause='Login-Incorrect';
134                                         if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Login-Incorrect\n" }
135                                 }
136                                 $do=1;
137                         }
138                         elsif (/Invalid user/){
139                                 if (/Invalid user \((.+?)\):/){
140                                         $cause = "Invalid-User ($1)";
141                                 }else{
142                                         $cause='Invalid-User';
143                                 }
144                                 $do=1;
145                         }
146                         elsif (/Multiple logins/){
147                                 if (/MPP attempt/){
148                                         $cause='Multiple-Logins (MPP Attempt)';
149                                 }else{
150                                         $cause='Multiple-Logins';
151                                 }
152                                 $do=1;
153                         }
154                         elsif (/(Outside allowed timespan \(.+?\)):/){
155                                 $cause = "$1";
156                                 $do=1;
157                         }
158                         if ($do){
159                                 $date = (split / : /,$_)[0];
160                                 $date2 = ParseDate($date);
161                                 if ($date2){
162                                         ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec)=UnixDate($date2,'%Y','%m','%d','%H','%M','%S');
163                                 }
164                                 $time = "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";
165                                 if (/\[([\w\-\.\!\@\s]+?)\]\s+\(from (.+?)\)/){
166                                         $user = $1;
167                                         ($nas,$port) = (split /\s+/,$2)[1,3];
168                                         if ($2 =~ /cli (.+?)$/){
169                                                 $caller = $1;
170                                         }
171                                 }
172                                 elsif (/\[([\w\-\.\!\@\s]+?)\/.+?\]\s+\(from (.+?)\)/){
173                                         $user = $1;
174                                         ($nas,$port) = (split /\s+/,$2)[1,3];
175                                         if ($2 =~ /cli (.+?)$/){
176                                                 $caller = $1;
177                                         }
178                                 }
179                                 $caller='' if (!defined($caller));
180                                 $user =~s/[^\w\-\.\d\!\@\s]//g;
181                                 $nas =~s/[^\w\.\-]//g;
182                                 $port =~s/[^\d]//g;
183                                 $addr = $client_array{$nas};
184                                 if ($user ne '' && $realm_strip eq 'yes'){
185                                         ($one,$two) = (split /$realm_del/, $user)[0,1];
186                                         if ($two ne ''){
187                                                 $user = ($realm_for eq 'suffix') ? $one : $two;
188                                         }
189                                 }
190                                 foreach $server (@servers){
191                                         unlink "$tmpfile.$server" if ($delete{$server});
192                                         open TMP, ">>$tmpfile.$server"
193                                                 or die "Could not open temporary file\n";
194                                         $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
195                                         $ctx->add($user);
196                                         $ctx->add($addr);
197                                         $ctx->add($port);
198                                         $ctx->add($time);
199                                         $ctx->add('badlogin');
200                                         $uniqueid = $ctx->hexdigest;
201                                         print TMP "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF TZH:TZM';\n" if ($sql_type eq 'oracle');
202 #DEBUG#                                 print "INSERT INTO $sql_accounting_table (UserName,AcctUniqueId,NASIPAddress,NASPortId,AcctStartTime,AcctStopTime,AcctSessionTime,AcctInputOctets,AcctOutputOctets,CallingStationId,AcctTerminateCause) VALUES ('$user','$uniqueid','$addr','$port','$time','$time','0','0','0','$caller','$cause');\n";
203                                         print TMP "INSERT INTO $sql_accounting_table (UserName,AcctSessionId,AcctUniqueId,NASIPAddress,NASPortId,AcctStartTime,AcctStopTime,AcctSessionTime,AcctInputOctets,AcctOutputOctets,CallingStationId,AcctTerminateCause) VALUES ('$user','$uniqueid','$uniqueid','$addr','$port','$time','$time','0','0','0','$caller','$cause');\n";
204                                         close TMP;
205                                         $command = "$sqlcmd -h$server $opt -u$sql_username $pass $sql_database <$tmpfile.$server" if ($sql_type eq 'mysql');
206                                         $command = "$sqlcmd  -U $sql_username -f $tmpfile.$server $sql_database" if ($sql_type eq 'pg');
207                                         $command = "$sqlcmd  $sql_username/$pass" . "@" . "$sql_database <$tmpfile.$server" if ($sql_type eq 'oracle');
208                                         $command = "$sqlcmd '$server' '$sql_port' '' '$sql_username' '$sql_pass' <$tmpfile.$server" if ($sql_type eq 'sqlrelay');
209                                         if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Sending datafile $tmpfile.$server to \"$sql_type\" database\n" }
210                                         `$command`;
211                                         if ($verbose > 1) { print STDOUT "DEBUG: Sent data to \"$sql_type\" database\n" }
213                                         $exit = $? >> 8;
214                                         $delete{$server} = ($exit == 0) ? 1 : 0;
215                                         print STDERR "ERROR: SQL query failed for host $server\n" if ($exit != 0);
216                                 }
217                         }
218                 }
219         }
220         if ($all_file ne 'once') {
221                 sleep 2;
222                 seek LOG,0,1;
223         } else {
224                 exit(0);
225         }
226 }