import from HEAD
[freeradius.git] / dialup_admin / htdocs / user_admin.php3
1 <?php
2 require('../conf/config.php3');
3 ?>
4 <html>
5 <head>
6 <?php
7 require('../lib/functions.php3');
8 require('../lib/defaults.php3');
9 $date = strftime('%A, %e %B %Y, %T %Z');
11 if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php3")){
12         include("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php3");
13         if ($user_exists == 'no'){
14                 echo <<<EOM
15 <title>user information page</title>
16 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
17 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
18 </head>
19 <body bgcolor="#80a040" background="images/greenlines1.gif" link="black" alink="black">
20 <center>
21 <form action="user_admin.php3" method=get>
22 <b>User Name&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
23 <input type="text" size=10 name="login" value="$login">
24 <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;does not exist</b><br>
25 <input type=submit class=button value="Show User">
26 </body>
27 </html>
28 EOM;
29                 exit();
30         }
31 }
33 if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php3"))
34         include_once("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php3");
35 else{
36         echo <<<EOM
37 <title>user information page</title>
38 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
39 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
40 </head>
41 <body bgcolor="#80a040" background="images/greenlines1.gif" link="black" alink="black">
42 <center>
43 <b>Could not include SQL library functions. Aborting</b>
44 </body>
45 </html>
46 EOM;
47         exit();
48 }
50 $monthly_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0];
51 $monthly_limit = ($monthly_limit) ? $monthly_limit : $config[counter_default_monthly];
52 $weekly_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0];
53 $weekly_limit = ($weekly_limit) ? $weekly_limit : $config[counter_default_weekly];
54 $daily_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0];
55 $daily_limit = ($daily_limit) ? $daily_limit : $config[counter_default_daily];
56 $session_limit = ($item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0] : $default_vals['Session-Timeout'][0];
57 $session_limit = ($session_limit) ? $session_limit : 'none';
58 $remaining = 'unlimited time';
59 $log_color = 'green';
61 $now = time();
62 $week = $now - 604800;
63 $now_str = date("$config[sql_date_format]",$now + 86400);
64 $week_str = date("$config[sql_date_format]",$week);
65 $day = date('w');
66 $week_start = date($config[sql_date_format],$now - ($day)*86400);
67 $month_start = date($config[sql_date_format],$now - date('j')*86400);
68 $today = $day;
69 $now_tmp = $now;
70 for ($i = $day; $i >-1; $i--){
71         $days[$i] = date($config[sql_date_format],$now_tmp);
72         $now_tmp -= 86400;
73 }
74 $day++;
75 //$now -= ($day * 86400);
76 $now -= 604800;
77 $now += 86400;
78 for ($i = $day; $i <= 6; $i++){
79         $days[$i] = date($config[sql_date_format],$now);
80 //      $now -= 86400;
81         $now += 86400;
82 }
84 $daily_used = $weekly_used = $monthly_used = $lastlog_session_time = '-';
85 $extra_msg = '';
86 $used = array('-','-','-','-','-','-','-');
88 $link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
89 if ($link){
90         $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
91         "SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time,
92         sum(acctinputoctets) AS sum_in_octets,
93         sum(acctoutputoctets) AS sum_out_octets,
94         avg(acctsessiontime) AS avg_sess_time,
95         avg(acctinputoctets) AS avg_in_octets,
96         avg(acctoutputoctets) AS avg_out_octets,
97         COUNT(*) as counter FROM
98         $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
99         AND acctstarttime >= '$week_str' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
100         if ($search){
101                 $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
102                 $tot_time = time2str($row[sum_sess_time]);
103                 $tot_input = bytes2str($row[sum_in_octets]);
104                 $tot_output = bytes2str($row[sum_out_octets]);
105                 $avg_time = time2str($row[avg_sess_time]);
106                 $avg_input = bytes2str($row[avg_in_octets]);
107                 $avg_output = bytes2str($row[avg_out_octets]);
108                 $tot_conns = $row[counter];
109         }
110         else
111                 echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
112         $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
113         "SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
114         AND acctstarttime >= '$week_start' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
115         if ($search){
116                 $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
117                 $weekly_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
118         }
119         else
120                 echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
121         if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || $config[counter_monthly_calculate_usage] == 'true'){
122                 $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
123                 "SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
124                 AND acctstarttime >= '$month_start' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
125                 if ($search){
126                         $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
127                         $monthly_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
128                 }
129                 else
130                         echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
131         }
132         $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
133         "SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
134         AND acctstoptime >= '$week_str' AND acctstoptime <= '$now_str'
135         AND (acctterminatecause LIKE 'Login-Incorrect%' OR
136         acctterminatecause LIKE 'Invalid-User%' OR
137         acctterminatecause LIKE 'Multiple-Logins%');");
138         if ($search){
139                 $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
140                 $tot_badlogins = $row[counter];
141         }
142         else
143                 echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
144         for($i = 0; $i <=6; $i++){
145                 if ($days[$i] == '')
146                         continue;
147                 $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
148                 "SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE
149                 username = '$login' AND acctstoptime >= '$days[$i] 00:00:00'
150                 AND acctstoptime <= '$days[$i] 23:59:59';");
151                 if ($search){
152                         $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
153                         $used[$i] = $row[sum_sess_time];
154                         if ($daily_limit != 'none' && $used[$i] > $daily_limit)
155                                 $used[$i] = "<font color=red>" . time2str($used[$i]) . "</font>";
156                         else
157                                 $used[$i] = time2str($used[$i]);
158                         if ($today == $i){
159                                 $daily_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
160                                 if ($daily_limit != 'none'){
161                                         $remaining = $daily_limit - $daily_used;
162                                         if ($remaining <=0)
163                                                 $remaining = 0;
164                                         $log_color = ($remaining) ? 'green' : 'red';
165                                         if (!$remaining)
166                                                 $extra_msg = '(Out of daily quota)';
167                                 }
168                                 $daily_used = time2str($daily_used);
169                                 if ($daily_limit != 'none' && !$remaining)
170                                         $daily_used = "<font color=red>$daily_used</font>";
171                         }
172                 }
173                 else
174                         echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
175         }
176         if ($weekly_limit != 'none'){
177                 $tmp = $weekly_limit - $weekly_used;
178                 if ($tmp <=0){
179                         $tmp = 0;
180                         $extra_msg .= '(Out of weekly quota)';
181                 }
182                 if (!is_numeric($remaining))
183                         $remaining = $tmp;
184                 if ($remaining > $tmp)
185                         $remaining = $tmp;
186                 $log_color = ($remaining) ? 'green' : 'red';
187         }
188         $weekly_used = time2str($weekly_used);
189         if ($weekly_limit != 'none' && !$tmp)
190                 $weekly_used = "<font color=red>$weekly_used</font>";
192         if ($monthly_limit != 'none'){
193                 $tmp = $monthly_limit - $monthly_used;
194                 if ($tmp <=0){
195                         $tmp = 0;
196                         $extra_msg .= '(Out of monthly quota)';
197                 }
198                 if (!is_numeric($remaining))
199                         $remaining = $tmp;
200                 if ($remaining > $tmp)
201                         $remaining = $tmp;
202                 $log_color = ($remaining) ? 'green' : 'red';
203         }
204         if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || $config[counter_monthly_calculate_usage] == 'true'){
205                 $monthly_used = time2str($monthly_used);
206                 if ($monthly_limit != 'none' && !$tmp)
207                         $monthly_used = "<font color=red>$monthly_used</font>";
208         }
209         if ($session_limit != 'none'){
210                 if (!is_numeric($remaining))
211                         $remaining = $session_limit;
212                 if ($remaining > $session_limit)
213                         $remaining = $session_limit;
214         }
216         $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
217         "SELECT * FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
218         WHERE username = '$login' AND acctstoptime IS NULL
219         ORDER BY acctstarttime DESC LIMIT 1;");
220         if ($search){
221                 if (@da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
222                         $logged_now = 1;
223                         $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
224                         $lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime'];
225                         $lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress'];
226                         $lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid'];
227                         $lastlog_session_time = date2timediv($lastlog_time,0);
228                         if ($daily_limit != 'none'){
229                                 $remaining = $remaining - $lastlog_session_time;
230                                 if ($remaining < 0)
231                                         $remaining = 0;
232                                 $log_color = ($remaining) ? 'green' : 'red'; 
233                         }
234                         $lastlog_session_time_jvs = 1000 * $lastlog_session_time;
235                         $lastlog_session_time = time2strclock($lastlog_session_time);
236                         $lastlog_client_ip = $row['framedipaddress'];   
237                         $lastlog_server_name = @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_server_ip);
238                         $lastlog_client_name = @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_client_ip);
239                         $lastlog_callerid = $row['callingstationid'];
240                         if ($lastlog_callerid == '')
241                                 $lastlog_callerid = 'not available';
242                         $lastlog_input = $row['acctinputoctets'];
243                         if ($lastlog_input)
244                                 $lastlog_input = bytes2str($lastlog_input);
245                         else
246                                 $lastlog_input = 'not available';
247                         $lastlog_output = $row['acctoutputoctets'];
248                         if ($lastlog_output)
249                                 $lastlog_output = bytes2str($lastlog_output);
250                         else
251                                 $lastlog_output = 'not available';
252                 }
253         }
254         else
255                 echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
256         if (! $logged_now){
257                 $search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
258                 "SELECT * FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
259                 WHERE username = '$login' AND acctsessiontime != '0'
260                 ORDER BY acctstoptime DESC LIMIT 1;");
261                 if ($search){
262                         if (@da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
263                                 $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
264                                 $lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime'];
265                                 $lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress'];
266                                 $lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid'];
267                                 $lastlog_session_time = time2str($row['acctsessiontime']);
268                                 $lastlog_client_ip = $row['framedipaddress'];   
269                 $lastlog_server_name = ($lastlog_server_ip != '') ? @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_server_ip) : '-';
270                 $lastlog_client_name = ($lastlog_client_ip != '') ? @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_client_ip) : '-';
271                                 $lastlog_callerid = $row['callingstationid'];
272                                 if ($lastlog_callerid == '')
273                                         $lastlog_callerid = 'not available';
274                                 $lastlog_input = $row['acctinputoctets'];
275                                 $lastlog_input = bytes2str($lastlog_input);
276                                 $lastlog_output = $row['acctoutputoctets'];
277                                 $lastlog_output = bytes2str($lastlog_output);
278                         }
279                         else
280                                 $not_known = 1;
281                 }
282                 else
283                         echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
284         }
285 }
286 else
287         echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
289 $monthly_limit = (is_numeric($monthly_limit)) ? time2str($monthly_limit) : $monthly_limit;
290 $weekly_limit = (is_numeric($weekly_limit)) ? time2str($weekly_limit) : $weekly_limit;
291 $daily_limit = (is_numeric($daily_limit)) ? time2str($daily_limit) : $daily_limit;
292 $session_limit = (is_numeric($session_limit)) ? time2str($session_limit) : $session_limit;
293 $remaining = (is_numeric($remaining)) ? time2str($remaining) : $remaining;
295 if ($item_vals['Dialup-Access'][0] == 'FALSE' || (!isset($item_vals['Dialup-Access'][0]) && $attrmap['Dialup-Access'] != '' && $attrmap['Dialup-Access'] != 'none'))
296         $msg =<<<EON
297 <font color=red><b> The user account is locked </b></font>
298 EON;
299 else
300         $msg =<<<EON
301 user can login for <font color="$log_color"> <b>$remaining $extra_msg</font>
302 EON;
303 $lock_msg = $item_vals['Dialup-Lock-Msg'][0];
304 if ($lock_msg != '')
305         $descr =<<<EON
306 <font color=red><b>$lock_msg </b</font>
307 EON;
308 else
309         $descr = '-';
311 $expiration = $default_vals['Expiration'][0];
312 if ($item_vals['Expiration'][0] != '')
313         $expiration = $item_vals['Expiration'][0];
314 if ($expiration != ''){
315         $expiration = strtotime($expiration);
316         if ($expiration != -1 && $expiration < time())
317                 $descr = <<<EOM
318 <font color=red><b>User Account has expired</b></font>
319 EOM;
320 }
322 require('../html/user_admin.html.php3');