Fixup more formatting in polcy.conf and add policy to remove Reply-Messages if the...
[freeradius.git] / raddb / Makefile
1 #
2 # Makefile
3 #
4 # Version:      $Id$
5 #
7 include ../
9 #
10 #  The list of files to install.
11 #
12 FILES = acct_users attrs attrs.access_reject attrs.accounting_response  \
13         attrs.pre-proxy clients.conf dictionary templates.conf  \
14         experimental.conf hints huntgroups ldap.attrmap                 \
15         policy.txt preproxy_users proxy.conf radiusd.conf trigger.conf  \
16         users   policy.conf attrs.access_challenge
18 #
19 #       This target is here for local debugging
20 #
21 all:
22         @if [ ! -d sites-enabled ]; then \
23                 mkdir sites-enabled; \
24         fi
25         @if [ ! -f sites-enabled/default ]; then \
26                 cd sites-enabled && ln -s ../sites-available/default; \
27         fi
28         @if [ ! -f sites-enabled/inner-tunnel ]; then \
29                 cd sites-enabled && ln -s ../sites-available/inner-tunnel; \
30         fi
31 ifneq "${OPENSSL_INCLUDE}" ""
32         @if [ ! -f sites-enabled/tls ]; then \
33                 cd sites-enabled && ln -s ../sites-available/tls; \
34         fi
35 endif
37 install:
38         $(INSTALL) -d -m 750    $(R)$(raddbdir)
39         $(INSTALL) -d -m 750    $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-available
40         $(INSTALL) -d -m 750    $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled
41         $(INSTALL) -d -m 750    $(R)$(raddbdir)/modules
42         @echo "Creating/updating files in $(R)$(raddbdir)"; \
43         for i in $(FILES) `find sites-available/ modules/ -type f -print | sed 's/.*CVS.*//;s/.*~//;s/.*#.*//' `; do \
44                 [ ! -f $(R)$(raddbdir)/$$i ] && $(INSTALL) -m 640 $$i $(R)$(raddbdir)/$$i; \
45                 if [ "`find $$i -newer $(R)$(raddbdir)/$$i`" ]; then \
46                         echo "** $(R)$(raddbdir)/$$i"; \
47                         nt=1; \
48                 fi; \
49         done; \
50         if [ "$$nt" ]; then \
51                 echo "**";\
52                 echo "** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING **";\
53                 echo "** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING **";\
54                 echo "**";\
55                 echo "** The sample configuration files in `pwd`";\
56                 echo "** are newer than those in $(R)$(raddbdir)";\
57                 echo "**";\
58                 echo "** Please investigate and manually copy (if appropriate) the files listed above.";\
59                 echo "**";\
60                 echo "** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING **";\
61                 echo "** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING ** WARNING **";\
62         fi
63         chmod 640 $(R)$(raddbdir)/clients.conf
64         if [ ! -d $(R)$(raddbdir)/certs ]; then \
65                 $(INSTALL) -d -m 750    $(R)$(raddbdir)/certs; \
66                 $(INSTALL) -m 750 certs/bootstrap $(R)$(raddbdir)/certs; \
67                 for i in Makefile README xpextensions ca.cnf server.cnf client.cnf; do \
68                         $(INSTALL) -m 640 certs/$$i $(R)$(raddbdir)/certs; \
69                 done; \
70                 $(MAKE) -C $(R)$(raddbdir)/certs; \
71         fi
72         if [ ! -d $(R)$(raddbdir)/sql ]; then \
73                 find sql -name CVS -prune -o -print | \
74                   while read file; do \
75                     if [ -d "$$file" ]; then \
76                       $(INSTALL) -d -m 750 "$(R)$(raddbdir)/$$file"; \
77                     else \
78                       $(INSTALL) -m 640 "$$file" "$(R)$(raddbdir)/$$file"; \
79                     fi; \
80                   done; \
81         fi
82         if [ ! -f $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/default ]; then \
83                 cd $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/; \
84                 ln -s ../sites-available/default; \
85         fi
86         if [ ! -f $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel ]; then \
87                 cd $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/; \
88                 ln -s ../sites-available/inner-tunnel; \
89         fi
90         if [ ! -f $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/control-socket ]; then \
91                 cd $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/; \
92                 ln -s ../sites-available/control-socket; \
93         fi
94 ifneq "${OPENSSL_INCLUDE}" ""
95         if [ ! -f $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/control-socket ]; then \
96                 cd $(R)$(raddbdir)/sites-enabled/; \
97                 ln -s ../sites-available/control-socket; \
98         fi
99 endif
101 clean:
102         rm -rf sites-enabled/inner-tunnel sites-enabled/default \
103                 sites-enabled/tls
105 triggers:
106         @grep exec_trigger `find ../src -name "*.c" -print` | grep '"' | sed -e 's/.*,//' -e 's/ *"//' -e 's/");.*//'