[shibboleth/cpp-sp.git] / util / samlquery.cpp
1 /*\r
2  *  Copyright 2001-2007 Internet2\r
3  * \r
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
7  *\r
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
9  *\r
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
14  * limitations under the License.\r
15  */\r
16 \r
17 /**\r
18  * samlquery.cpp\r
19  * \r
20  * SAML Attribute Query tool layered on SP configuration\r
21  */\r
22 \r
23 #if defined (_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)\r
24 # include "config_win32.h"\r
25 #else\r
26 # include "config.h"\r
27 #endif\r
28 \r
29 #ifdef WIN32\r
31 # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 1\r
32 #endif\r
33 \r
34 #include <shibsp/Application.h>\r
35 #include <shibsp/exceptions.h>\r
36 #include <shibsp/SPConfig.h>\r
37 #include <shibsp/ServiceProvider.h>\r
38 #include <shibsp/attribute/resolver/AttributeResolver.h>\r
39 #include <shibsp/binding/SOAPClient.h>\r
40 #include <shibsp/util/SPConstants.h>\r
41 \r
42 #include <saml/binding/SecurityPolicy.h>\r
43 #include <saml/saml1/binding/SAML1SOAPClient.h>\r
44 #include <saml/saml1/core/Assertions.h>\r
45 #include <saml/saml1/core/Protocols.h>\r
46 #include <saml/saml2/binding/SAML2SOAPClient.h>\r
47 #include <saml/saml2/core/Protocols.h>\r
48 #include <saml/saml2/metadata/Metadata.h>\r
49 #include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>\r
50 #include <xmltooling/XMLToolingConfig.h>\r
51 #include <xmltooling/util/XMLHelper.h>\r
52 \r
53 using namespace shibsp;\r
54 using namespace opensaml::saml1;\r
55 using namespace opensaml::saml1p;\r
56 using namespace opensaml::saml2;\r
57 using namespace opensaml::saml2p;\r
58 using namespace opensaml::saml2md;\r
59 using namespace opensaml;\r
60 using namespace xmltooling;\r
61 using namespace std;\r
62 \r
63 enum samlversion {\r
64     v10, v11, v20\r
65 };\r
66 \r
67 int main(int argc,char* argv[])\r
68 {\r
69     char* n_param=NULL;\r
70     char* q_param=NULL;\r
71     char* f_param=NULL;\r
72     char* a_param=NULL;\r
73     char* path=NULL;\r
74     char* config=NULL;\r
75 \r
76     for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {\r
77         if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n") && i+1<argc)\r
78             n_param=argv[++i];\r
79         else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-q") && i+1<argc)\r
80             q_param=argv[++i];\r
81         else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-f") && i+1<argc)\r
82             f_param=argv[++i];\r
83         else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a") && i+1<argc)\r
84             a_param=argv[++i];\r
85     }\r
86 \r
87     if (!n_param || !q_param) {\r
88         cerr << "usage: samlquery -n <name> -q <IdP> [-f <format URI> -a <application id>]" << endl;\r
89         exit(0);\r
90     }\r
91     \r
92     path=getenv("SHIBSP_SCHEMAS");\r
93     if (!path)\r
94         path=SHIBSP_SCHEMAS;\r
95     config=getenv("SHIBSP_CONFIG");\r
96     if (!config)\r
97         config=SHIBSP_CONFIG;\r
98     if (!a_param)\r
99         a_param="default";\r
100 \r
101     XMLToolingConfig::getConfig().log_config(getenv("SHIBSP_LOGGING") ? getenv("SHIBSP_LOGGING") : SHIBSP_LOGGING);\r
102 \r
103     SPConfig& conf=SPConfig::getConfig();\r
104     conf.setFeatures(\r
105         SPConfig::Metadata |\r
106         SPConfig::Trust |\r
107         SPConfig::Credentials |\r
108         SPConfig::OutOfProcess\r
109         );\r
110     if (!conf.init(path))\r
111         return -10;\r
112 \r
113     try {\r
114         static const XMLCh path[] = UNICODE_LITERAL_4(p,a,t,h);\r
115         static const XMLCh validate[] = UNICODE_LITERAL_8(v,a,l,i,d,a,t,e);\r
116         DOMDocument* dummydoc=XMLToolingConfig::getConfig().getParser().newDocument();\r
117         XercesJanitor<DOMDocument> docjanitor(dummydoc);\r
118         DOMElement* dummy = dummydoc->createElementNS(NULL,path);\r
119         auto_ptr_XMLCh src(config);\r
120         dummy->setAttributeNS(NULL,path,src.get());\r
121         dummy->setAttributeNS(NULL,validate,xmlconstants::XML_ONE);\r
122 \r
123         conf.setServiceProvider(conf.ServiceProviderManager.newPlugin(XML_SERVICE_PROVIDER,dummy));\r
124         conf.getServiceProvider()->init();\r
125     }\r
126     catch (exception&) {\r
127         conf.term();\r
128         return -20;\r
129     }\r
130 \r
131     ServiceProvider* sp=conf.getServiceProvider();\r
132     sp->lock();\r
133 \r
134     try {\r
135         const Application* app=sp->getApplication(a_param);\r
136         if (!app)\r
137             throw ConfigurationException("Application ($1) not found in configuration.", params(1,a_param));\r
138 \r
139         auto_ptr_XMLCh domain(q_param);\r
140         auto_ptr_XMLCh name(n_param);\r
141         auto_ptr_XMLCh format(f_param);\r
142         auto_ptr_XMLCh issuer(app->getString("entityID").second);\r
143 \r
144         MetadataProvider* m=app->getMetadataProvider();\r
145         xmltooling::Locker mlocker(m);\r
146         const EntityDescriptor* site=m->getEntityDescriptor(domain.get());\r
147         if (!site)\r
148             throw MetadataException("Unable to locate metadata for IdP ($1).", params(1,q_param));\r
149 \r
150         // Try to locate an AA role.\r
151         samlversion ver;\r
152         const AttributeAuthorityDescriptor* AA=NULL;\r
153         if (AA=site->getAttributeAuthorityDescriptor(samlconstants::SAML20P_NS))\r
154             ver = v20;\r
155         else if (AA=site->getAttributeAuthorityDescriptor(samlconstants::SAML11_PROTOCOL_ENUM))\r
156             ver = v11;\r
157         else if (AA=site->getAttributeAuthorityDescriptor(samlconstants::SAML10_PROTOCOL_ENUM))\r
158             ver = v10;\r
159         else\r
160             throw MetadataException("No AttributeAuthority role found in metadata.");\r
161 \r
162         shibsp::SecurityPolicy policy(*app);\r
163         shibsp::SOAPClient soaper(policy);\r
164         MetadataCredentialCriteria mcc(*AA);\r
165 \r
166         if (ver == v20) {\r
167             auto_ptr_XMLCh binding(samlconstants::SAML20_BINDING_SOAP);\r
168             opensaml::saml2p::StatusResponseType* srt=NULL;\r
169             const vector<AttributeService*>& endpoints=AA->getAttributeServices();\r
170             for (vector<AttributeService*>::const_iterator ep=endpoints.begin(); !srt && ep!=endpoints.end(); ++ep) {\r
171                 try {\r
172                     if (!XMLString::equals((*ep)->getBinding(),binding.get()))\r
173                         continue;\r
174                     auto_ptr_char loc((*ep)->getLocation());\r
175                     NameID* nameid = NameIDBuilder::buildNameID();\r
176                     opensaml::saml2::Subject* subject = opensaml::saml2::SubjectBuilder::buildSubject();\r
177                     subject->setNameID(nameid);\r
178                     opensaml::saml2p::AttributeQuery* query = opensaml::saml2p::AttributeQueryBuilder::buildAttributeQuery();\r
179                     query->setSubject(subject);\r
180                     Issuer* iss = IssuerBuilder::buildIssuer();\r
181                     query->setIssuer(iss);\r
182                     nameid->setName(name.get());\r
183                     nameid->setFormat(format.get() ? format.get() : NameID::TRANSIENT);\r
184                     nameid->setNameQualifier(domain.get());\r
185                     iss->setName(issuer.get());\r
186                     SAML2SOAPClient client(soaper);\r
187                     client.sendSAML(query, mcc, loc.get());\r
188                     srt = client.receiveSAML();\r
189                 }\r
190                 catch (exception& ex) {\r
191                     cerr << "Caught exception: " << ex.what() << endl << endl;\r
192                     soaper.reset();\r
193                 }\r
194             }\r
195 \r
196             if (!srt)\r
197                 throw BindingException("Unable to successfully query for attributes.");\r
198             const opensaml::saml2p::Response* response = dynamic_cast<opensaml::saml2p::Response*>(srt);\r
199 \r
200             const vector<opensaml::saml2::Assertion*>& assertions = response->getAssertions();\r
201             if (assertions.size())\r
202                 cout << *assertions.front();\r
203             else\r
204                 cout << "No assertions found.";\r
205 \r
206             delete response;\r
207         }\r
208         else {\r
209             auto_ptr_XMLCh binding(samlconstants::SAML1_BINDING_SOAP);\r
210             const opensaml::saml1p::Response* response=NULL;\r
211             const vector<AttributeService*>& endpoints=AA->getAttributeServices();\r
212             for (vector<AttributeService*>::const_iterator ep=endpoints.begin(); !response && ep!=endpoints.end(); ++ep) {\r
213                 try {\r
214                     if (!XMLString::equals((*ep)->getBinding(),binding.get()))\r
215                         continue;\r
216                     auto_ptr_char loc((*ep)->getLocation());\r
217                     NameIdentifier* nameid = NameIdentifierBuilder::buildNameIdentifier();\r
218                     opensaml::saml1::Subject* subject = opensaml::saml1::SubjectBuilder::buildSubject();\r
219                     subject->setNameIdentifier(nameid);\r
220                     opensaml::saml1p::AttributeQuery* query = opensaml::saml1p::AttributeQueryBuilder::buildAttributeQuery();\r
221                     query->setSubject(subject);\r
222                     Request* request = RequestBuilder::buildRequest();\r
223                     request->setAttributeQuery(query);\r
224                     nameid->setName(name.get());\r
225                     nameid->setFormat(format.get() ? format.get() : shibspconstants::SHIB1_NAMEID_FORMAT_URI);\r
226                     nameid->setNameQualifier(domain.get());\r
227                     query->setResource(issuer.get());\r
228                     request->setMinorVersion(ver==v11 ? 1 : 0);\r
229                     SAML1SOAPClient client(soaper);\r
230                     client.sendSAML(request, mcc, loc.get());\r
231                     response = client.receiveSAML();\r
232                 }\r
233                 catch (exception& ex) {\r
234                     cerr << "Caught exception: " << ex.what() << endl << endl;\r
235                     soaper.reset();\r
236                 }\r
237             }\r
238 \r
239             if (!response)\r
240                 throw BindingException("Unable to successfully query for attributes.");\r
241 \r
242             const vector<opensaml::saml1::Assertion*>& assertions = response->getAssertions();\r
243             if (assertions.size())\r
244                 cout << *assertions.front();\r
245             else\r
246                 cout << "No assertions found.";\r
247 \r
248             delete const_cast<opensaml::saml1p::Response*>(response);\r
249         }\r
250     }\r
251     catch(exception& ex) {\r
252         cerr << ex.what() << endl;\r
253     }\r
254 \r
255     sp->unlock();\r
256     conf.term();\r
257     return 0;\r
258 }\r