# Building moonshot First, make sure you have the following dependencies installed: 1. [OpenSSL](http://www.openssl.org/) 1. [Curl](http://curl.haxx.se) 1. autoconf 1. automake 1. libtool 1. doxygen 1. [XML Security](http://xml.apache.org/security/) 1. Xerces XML parser 1. [MIT Kerberos](http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/) at least version 1.9 1. log4cpp or log4shibb 1. [libevent](http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/) at least version 2.0 On a Debian or Ubuntu system you can get a lot of these dependencies with: aptitude install libxml-security-c-dev libxerces-c-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev liblog4cpp5-dev autotools-dev doxygen libtool \ libconfuse-dev libfreeradius-dev aptitude install -t experimental libkrb5-dev libevent-dev A sufficiently new version of libevent is in the libevent-dev package in Debian experimental. The libkrb5-dev in Debian experimental is also sufficiently new. [Sam Hartman](http://www.launchpad.net/~hartmans) maintains sufficiently new krb5 for Ubuntu. Ensure that libgss-dev is not installed as the headers are conflicting with the headers from libkrb5-dev. Follow the [Repository](http://www.project-moonshot.org/developers/repository) instructions for checking out a copy of Moonshot At this writing, the following should be sufficient: git clone http://www.project-moonshot.org/git/moonshot.git cd moonshot git submodule init git submodule update Create some directory that you have permission to write to. We'll assume this is /usr/local/moonshot. Run ./builder --prefix=/usr/local/moonshot The builder script takes other options to permit modifying what is passed to configure. The script will build and install the Moonshot projects. Now [[Prepare]] to use the software.