## Revised Client Architecture The architecture of the initial implementation needs to be re-factored to with give better Model, View, Controller separation, allowing for: - more ways of interacting with the server than the ID Selector App and Web Provisioning; - different storage strategies; - ease of maintenance. Specific requirements from the Statement of Work are 6.1 Abstract the interface between the Identity Selector and its backend datastore. This is required to allow different such datastores to be used at will (e.g. Gnome Keyring, Mac Keychain, etc). 6.2 Abstract the interface between the core logical component of the Identity Selector and the current UI elements. This is required to enable other interfaces to the Identity Selector to work, such as a platform specific UI or a Command Line Interface to enable headless operation. Any policy or invariant or constraint logic currently independent of the core logical component must be abstracted into the core so that no matter what backend datastore or UI frontend is used, all policy or invariant or constraint logic is always used and enforced. ### Overview This diagram shows the proposed new architecture. ![image](https://gitorious.org/petefoth-public-docs/petefoth-public-docs/blobs/raw/master/Moonshot/Proposed%20New%20Architecture.jpg) The re-factored Moonshot Client software will have the following components: *_identity-server_* shared library offering C and Vala APIs. - provides Create / Read / Update / Delete functionality for Identities - is the only means of accessing the _identity-storage-server_ - includes the server functionality initially implemented in UI *_identity-storage-server_* encapsulates the Identity Store in a shared library offering a CRUD API to access the store. - protects the store from multiple concurrent write accesses - re-implemented per platform and per storage strategy so * one version each for Linux, Mac OS and Windows, local storage. DBus provides an appropriate mechanism under Linux and Mac OSX for protecting the store from multiple concurrent write access. It is not supported on Windows, so the Windows implementation will use a different mechanism. This version will re-use storage-related code from src/moonshot-window.vala etc. * one version for web storage, restful API. (Not in scope for this iteration). * other versions as required for different storage solutions (Not in scope for this iteration). *_identity-provisioning_* - not implemented in the first iteration. Provides CRUD operations via (for now) .msht and XML files, and via command line. Implemented in portable code as far as possible. Uses *_identity-server_*. Consists of - *_identity-provisioning-file-handler_* - processes .msht (and, in future iterations, XML and/or json, and maybe other format) files for file-based provisioning operations. Currently implemented as *_moonshot-webp_*, allowing only install access. In future iterations it will also allow uninstall/revoke access. - *_identity-provisioning-cli-handler_* - provides a command line API to identity CRUD functions All of the components will be implemented in Vala. ### Detail _identity-server_ component Implemented as a shared library in Vala. Built with the -H option to enable access from C code, and introspection generated to allow use from other languages. Replaces the _libmoonshot_ component from the initial implementation. Owns the public APIs for accessing the Identity Store (rather than exposing currently APIs provided via DBus by moonshot-ui). Provides new APIs needed by identity-selector-ui to manage identities (e.g. CreateNewIdCard(), UpdateIdCard(), DeleteIdCard()) as well as the existing APIs provided by lib-moonshot (getIdentity(), GetDefaultIdentity(), InstallId_card()). Uses the APIs provided by the *_identity-storage-server_* component (_-dbus-local-storage-server_ on Linux and Mac, _-windows-local-storage-server_ on Windows). It has no UI, so that it can be used in circumstances where interaction with a user is not possible (e.g. in headless servers). Any needed interaction with the User is done by client software. ### Detail _identity-selector-ui_ component This is now just an App for managing Identities. It's *only* function is to allows a User to manage Identities and Services. It no longer owns the IdentityStore. It no longer *provides* APIs (via DBus) for use by others via libmoonshot. Instead, it *uses* APIs provided by _identity-server_. Implemented in Vala using GTK widgets, reusing code from src/moonshot-window.vala and other UI related code.. ### Detail _identity-provisioning_ component The *_identity-provisioning-file-handler_* component replaces the moonshot-webp component. It provides the same InstallIdentityCard() functionality as the moonshot-webp component in the initial implementation. In future iterations, it will provide new functions to uninstall and revoke identities. The *_identity-provisioning-cli-handler_* component is not part of the current iteration. In a future iterations it is intended to provide via the command line the same functionality as *_identity-provisioning-file-handler_* but without requiring any interaction with the user. ### Use Case Implementation The re-factored software is designed to implement the following use cases that were part of the first iteration: 1. User installs and identity by clicking on a .msht file downloaded from the Web 1. User creates and installs an identity card using the UI 1. User modifies an existing identity card using the UI 1. User deletes an existing identity card using the UI It is designed to extend the above Uses cases as follows: 1. User can install .msht files when attached to emails 1. User can use .msht files to delete or revoke identities 1. User can create, view, update and delete installed identities via the command line 1. User can create, view, update and delete installed identities using a script file Not all of these will be implemented in the current phase, but the software will be implemented in a way that facilitates their implementation in future phases.