#!/usr/bin/perl # # Clean stale open sessions from the radacct table. # we only clean up sessions which are older than $back_days # Works with mysql and postgresql # use POSIX; $conf=shift||'/usr/local/dialup_admin/conf/admin.conf'; $back_days = 35; open CONF, "<$conf" or die "Could not open configuration file\n"; while(){ chomp; ($key,$val)=(split /:\s*/,$_); $sql_type = $val if ($key eq 'sql_type'); $sql_server = $val if ($key eq 'sql_server'); $sql_username = $val if ($key eq 'sql_username'); $sql_password = $val if ($key eq 'sql_password'); $sql_database = $val if ($key eq 'sql_database'); $sql_accounting_table = $val if ($key eq 'sql_accounting_table'); $sqlcmd = $val if ($key eq 'sql_command'); } close CONF; die "sql_command directive is not set in admin.conf\n" if ($sqlcmd eq ''); die "Could not find sql binary. Please make sure that the \$sqlcmd variable points to the right location\n" if (! -x $sqlcmd); $sql_password = ($sql_password eq '') ? '' : "-p$sql_password"; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime; $date = POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T",$sec,$min,$hour,($mday - $back_days),$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst); print "$date\n"; $query = "DELETE FROM $sql_accounting_table WHERE AcctStopTime IS NULL AND AcctStartTime < '$date';"; print "$query\n"; open TMP, ">/tmp/clean_radacct.query" or die "Could not open tmp file\n"; print TMP $query; close TMP; $command = "$sqlcmd -h$sql_server -u$sql_username $sql_password $sql_database