subscription analysis for $login
Could not include SQL library functions. Aborting EOM; exit(); } $now = time(); $now_str = ($now_str != '') ? "$now_str" : date($config[sql_date_format],$now + 86400); $prev_str = ($prev_str != '') ? "$prev_str" : date($config[sql_date_format], $now - 604800 ); $num = 0; $pagesize = ($pagesize) ? $pagesize : 10; if (!is_numeric($pagesize) && $pagesize != 'all') $pagesize = 10; $limit = ($pagesize == 'all') ? '' : "LIMIT $pagesize"; $selected[$pagesize] = 'selected'; $order = ($order != '') ? $order : $config[general_accounting_info_order]; if ($order != 'desc' && $order != 'asc') $order = 'desc'; $selected[$order] = 'selected'; $now_str = da_sql_escape_string($now_str); $prev_str = da_sql_escape_string($prev_str); echo << subscription analysis for $login
EOM; include("../html/user_toolbar.html.php3"); print <<
Subscription Analysis for $login 
$prev_str up to $now_str EOM; ?>

" . $acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] . "\n"; } $sql_extra_query = ''; if ($config[sql_accounting_extra_query] != '') $sql_extra_query = sql_xlat($config[sql_accounting_extra_query],$login,$config); ?> = '$prev_str' $sql_extra_query ORDER BY acctstarttime $order $limit;"); if ($search){ while( $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){ $tr_color='white'; $num++; $acct_type = "$row[framedprotocol]/$row[nasporttype]"; if ($acct_type == '') $acct_type = '-'; $acct_logedin = $row[acctstarttime]; $acct_sessiontime = $row[acctsessiontime]; $acct_sessiontime_sum += $acct_sessiontime; $acct_sessiontime = time2str($acct_sessiontime); $acct_ip = $row[framedipaddress]; if ($acct_ip == '') $acct_ip = '-'; $acct_upload = $row[acctinputoctets]; $acct_upload_sum += $acct_upload; $acct_upload = bytes2str($acct_upload); $acct_download = $row[acctoutputoctets]; $acct_download_sum += $acct_download; $acct_download = bytes2str($acct_download); $acct_server = $row[nasipaddress]; if ($acct_server != ''){ $acct_server = $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]]; if (!isset($acct_server)){ $acct_server = @gethostbyaddr($row[nasipaddress]); if (!isset($da_name_cache) && $config[general_use_session] == 'yes'){ $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server; session_register('da_name_cache'); } else $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server; } } else $acct_server = '-'; $acct_server = "$acct_server:$row[nasportid]"; $acct_terminate_cause = "$row[acctterminatecause]"; if ($acct_terminate_cause == '') $acct_terminate_cause = '-'; if (ereg('Login-Incorrect',$acct_terminate_cause) || ereg('Multiple-Logins', $acct_terminate_cause) || ereg('Invalid-User',$acct_terminate_cause)) $tr_color='#ffe8e0'; $acct_callerid = "$row[callingstationid]"; if ($acct_callerid == '') $acct_callerid = '-'; echo << EOM; if ($acct_attrs[ua][1] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][2] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][3] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][4] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][5] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][6] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][8] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } $acct_sessiontime_sum = time2str($acct_sessiontime_sum); $acct_upload_sum = bytes2str($acct_upload_sum); $acct_download_sum = bytes2str($acct_download_sum); } else echo "Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "
\n"; } else echo "Could not connect to SQL database
\n"; $colspan = 3; if ($acct_attrs[ua][1] == '') $colspan--; if ($acct_attrs[ua][2] == '') $colspan--; echo << EOM; if ($acct_attrs[ua][3] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][4] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][5] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][6] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][8] != '') echo "\n"; if ($acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') echo "\n"; ?>
Page Total$acct_sessiontime_sum $acct_upload_sum$acct_download_sum   

EOM; ?>
the from date matches any login after the 00:00 that day, and the to date any login before the 23:59 that day. the default values shown are the current week.
userfrom dateto datepagesizeorder