Function ReadFile( filePath ) Dim theFile 'OpenTextFile args: , 1 = ForReading 'If you read an empty file, VBScript throws an error for some reason if (FileSystemObj.FileExists(filePath)) then Set theFile = FileSystemObj.GetFile(filePath) if (theFile.size > 0) then Set theFile = FileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(filePath, 1) ReadFile = theFile.ReadAll else ReadFile = "" end if else ReadFile = "" end if End Function Sub WriteFile( filePath, contents ) Dim theFile 'OpenTextFile args: , 2 = ForWriting, True = create if not exist Set theFile = FileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(filePath, 2, True) theFile.Write contents End Sub Sub ReplaceInFile( filePath, lookForStr, replaceWithStr ) Dim buffer buffer = ReadFile(filePath) if (buffer <> "") then buffer = Replace(buffer, lookForStr, replaceWithStr) WriteFile filePath, buffer end if End Sub Dim FileSystemObj, ConvertedDir, ConfigFile, XMLDir Dim customData, msiProperties, InstallDir, ShibdPort on error resume next Set FileSystemObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if (Err = 0) then 'Get the INSTALLDIR and SHIBD_PORT values via CustomActionData customData = Session.Property("CustomActionData") msiProperties = split(customData,";@;") InstallDir = msiProperties(0) ShibdPort = msiProperties(1) 'Remove all trailing backslashes to normalize do while (mid(InstallDir,Len(InstallDir),1) = "\") InstallDir = mid(InstallDir,1,Len(InstallDir)-1) loop ConvertedDir = Replace(InstallDir, "\", "/") ConfigDir = InstallDir & "\etc\shibboleth\" DistDir = ConfigDir & "dist\" 'Perform actual Substitutions 'Afterwards, if the config file doesn't already exist, copy up to etc/shibboleth 'Also strip *.in for files in dist ConfigFile = DistDir & "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGLOGDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/var/log/shibboleth" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "shibd.logger")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "shibd.logger", false End If If (FileSystemObj.FileExists(DistDir & "shibd.logger")) then FileSystemObj.DeleteFile DistDir & "shibd.logger", true End If FileSystemObj.MoveFile ConfigFile, DistDir & "shibd.logger" ConfigFile = DistDir & "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-SHIRELOGDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/var/log/shibboleth" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "native.logger")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "native.logger", false End If If (FileSystemObj.FileExists(DistDir & "native.logger")) then FileSystemObj.DeleteFile DistDir & "native.logger", true End If FileSystemObj.MoveFile ConfigFile, DistDir & "native.logger" ConfigFile = DistDir & "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGLIBDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/lib/shibboleth" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGDOCDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/share/doc/shibboleth" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "apache.config")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "apache.config", false End If If (FileSystemObj.FileExists(DistDir & "apache.config")) then FileSystemObj.DeleteFile DistDir & "apache.config", true End If FileSystemObj.MoveFile ConfigFile, DistDir & "apache.config" ConfigFile = DistDir & "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGLIBDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/lib/shibboleth" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGDOCDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/share/doc/shibboleth" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "apache2.config")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "apache2.config", false End If If (FileSystemObj.FileExists(DistDir & "apache2.config")) then FileSystemObj.DeleteFile DistDir & "apache2.config", true End If FileSystemObj.MoveFile ConfigFile, DistDir & "apache2.config" ConfigFile = DistDir & "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGLIBDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/lib/shibboleth" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGDOCDIR-@", ConvertedDir & "/share/doc/shibboleth" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "apache22.config")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "apache22.config", false End If If (FileSystemObj.FileExists(DistDir & "apache22.config")) then FileSystemObj.DeleteFile DistDir & "apache22.config", true End If FileSystemObj.MoveFile ConfigFile, DistDir & "apache22.config" ConfigFile = DistDir & "shibboleth2.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, " ", "" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "", "" If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "shibboleth2.xml")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile ConfigFile, ConfigDir & "shibboleth2.xml", false End If 'Now just copy the other non-edited files over as well (if possible) If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "accessError.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "accessError.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "metadataError.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "metadataError.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "sessionError.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "sessionError.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "sslError.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "sslError.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "bindingTemplate.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "bindingTemplate.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "localLogout.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "localLogout.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "globalLogout.html")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "globalLogout.html", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "openssl.cnf")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "openssl.cnf", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "console.logger")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "console.logger", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "shibboleth.logger")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "shibboleth.logger", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "sp-example.crt")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "sp-example.crt", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "sp-example.key")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "sp-example.key", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "example-metadata.xml")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "example-metadata.xml", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "attribute-map.xml")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "attribute-map.xml", ConfigDir, false End If If (NOT FileSystemObj.FileExists(ConfigDir & "attribute-policy.xml")) then FileSystemObj.CopyFile DistDir & "attribute-policy.xml", ConfigDir, false End If ' Finally, fix up schema catalogs. XMLDir = InstallDir & "\share\xml\xmltooling\" ConfigFile = XMLDir & "catalog.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGXMLDIR-@/", XMLDir XMLDir = InstallDir & "\share\xml\opensaml\" ConfigFile = XMLDir & "saml20-catalog.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGXMLDIR-@/", XMLDir ConfigFile = XMLDir & "saml11-catalog.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGXMLDIR-@/", XMLDir ConfigFile = XMLDir & "saml10-catalog.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGXMLDIR-@/", XMLDir XMLDir = InstallDir & "\share\xml\shibboleth\" ConfigFile = XMLDir & "catalog.xml" ReplaceInFile ConfigFile, "@-PKGXMLDIR-@/", XMLDir 'Last End If End If