/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2016, JANET(UK) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of JANET(UK) nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using Gee; extern char* get_cert_valid_before(uchar* inbuf, int inlen, char* outbuf, int outlen); // A TrustAnchor object can be imported or installed via the API, but cannot // be modified by the user, other than being cleared. Hence the fields are read-only. public class TrustAnchor : Object { private static const string CERT_HEADER = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; private static const string CERT_FOOTER = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; public enum TrustAnchorType { CA_CERT, SERVER_CERT } private string _ca_cert = ""; private string _subject = ""; private string _subject_alt = ""; private string _server_cert = ""; public bool user_verified = false; public TrustAnchor(string ca_cert, string server_cert, string subject, string subject_alt, bool user_verified) { _ca_cert = ca_cert; _server_cert = server_cert; _subject = subject; _subject_alt = subject_alt; this.user_verified = user_verified; } public TrustAnchor.empty() { _ca_cert = ""; _server_cert = ""; _subject = ""; _subject_alt = ""; this.user_verified = false; } public string ca_cert { get { return _ca_cert; } } public string subject { get { return _subject; } } public string subject_alt { get { return _subject_alt; } } public string server_cert { get { return _server_cert; } } public bool is_empty() { return ca_cert == "" && subject == "" && subject_alt == "" && server_cert == ""; } public TrustAnchorType get_anchor_type() { return server_cert == "" ? TrustAnchorType.CA_CERT : TrustAnchorType.SERVER_CERT; } public int Compare(TrustAnchor other) { if (this.ca_cert != other.ca_cert) return 1; if (this.subject != other.subject) return 1; if (this.subject_alt != other.subject_alt) return 1; if (this.server_cert != other.server_cert) return 1; if (this.user_verified != other.user_verified) return 1; return 0; } public string? get_expiration_date(out string? err_out=null) { if (this.ca_cert == "") { if (&err_out != null) { err_out = "Trust anchor does not have a ca_certificate"; return null; } } string cert = this.ca_cert; cert.chomp(); uchar[] binary = Base64.decode(cert); IdCard.logger.trace("get_expiration_date: encoded length=%d; decoded length=%d".printf(cert.length, binary.length)); char buf[64]; string err = (string) get_cert_valid_before(binary, binary.length, buf, 64); if (err != "") { IdCard.logger.error(@"get_expiration_date: get_cert_valid_before returned '$err'"); if (&err_out != null) { err_out = err; } return null; } string date = (string) buf; IdCard.logger.trace(@"get_expiration_date: get_cert_valid_before returned '$date'"); return date; } } public struct Rule { public string pattern; public string always_confirm; public int Compare(Rule other) { if (this.pattern != other.pattern) return 1; if (this.always_confirm != other.always_confirm) return 1; return 0; } } public class IdCard : Object { internal static MoonshotLogger logger = get_logger("IdCard"); public const string NO_IDENTITY = "No Identity"; private string _nai; public string display_name { get; set; default = ""; } public string username { get; set; default = ""; } #if GNOME_KEYRING private unowned string _password; public string password { get { return (_password!=null) ? _password : ""; } set { if (_password != null) { GnomeKeyring.memory_free((void *)_password); _password = null; } if (value != null) _password = GnomeKeyring.memory_strdup(value); } } #else public string password { get; set; default = null; } #endif public string issuer { get; set; default = ""; } private Rule[] _rules = new Rule[0]; public Rule[] rules { get {return _rules;} internal set {_rules = value ?? new Rule[0] ;} } private ArrayList _services = new ArrayList(); internal ArrayList services { get {return _services;} } // Returns the list of services as a string, using the given separator. internal string get_services_string(string sep) { if (_services.is_empty) { return ""; } // ArrayList.to_array() seems to be unreliable -- it causes segfaults // semi-randomly. (Possibly because it returns an unowned ref?) // return string.joinv(sep, _services.to_array()); // // This problem may be related to the one noted elsewhere as the // "Centos vala array property bug". string[] svcs = new string[_services.size]; for (int i = 0; i < _services.size; i++) { svcs[i] = _services[i]; } return string.joinv(sep, svcs); } internal void update_services(string[] services) { _services.clear(); // Doesn't exist in older versions of libgee: // _services.add_all_array(services); if (services != null) { foreach (string s in services) { _services.add(s); } } } internal void update_services_from_list(ArrayList services) { if (services == this._services) { // Don't try to update from self. return; } _services.clear(); if (services != null) { _services.add_all(services); } } public bool temporary {get; set; default = false; } private TrustAnchor _trust_anchor = new TrustAnchor.empty(); public TrustAnchor trust_anchor { get { return _trust_anchor; } } // For use by storage implementations. internal void set_trust_anchor_from_store(TrustAnchor ta) { _trust_anchor = ta; } internal void clear_trust_anchor() { _trust_anchor = new TrustAnchor.empty(); } public unowned string nai { get { _nai = username + "@" + issuer; return _nai;}} public bool store_password { get; set; default = false; } public bool is_no_identity() { return (display_name == NO_IDENTITY); } public enum DiffFlags { DISPLAY_NAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD, ISSUER, RULES, SERVICES, TRUST_ANCHOR; } public int Compare(IdCard other) { int diff = 0; if (this.display_name != other.display_name) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.DISPLAY_NAME; if (this.username != other.username) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.USERNAME; if (this.password != other.password) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.PASSWORD; if (this.issuer != other.issuer) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.ISSUER; if (CompareRules(this.rules, other.rules)!=0) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.RULES; if (CompareStringArrayList(this._services, other._services)!=0) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.SERVICES; if (this.trust_anchor.Compare(other.trust_anchor)!=0) diff |= 1 << DiffFlags.TRUST_ANCHOR; // stdout.printf("Diff Flags: %x\n", diff); if (this.display_name == other.display_name && diff != 0) { logger.trace("Compare: Two IDs with display_name '%s', but diff_flags=%0x".printf(this.display_name, diff)); } return diff; } public static IdCard NewNoIdentity() { IdCard card = new IdCard(); card.display_name = NO_IDENTITY; return card; } ~IdCard() { password = null; } internal void add_rule(Rule rule) { _rules += rule; } } public int CompareRules(Rule[] a, Rule[] b) { if (a.length != b.length) { return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i].Compare(b[i]) != 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } public int CompareStringArrayList(ArrayList a, ArrayList b) { if (a.size != b.size) { return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < a.size; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return 1; } } return 0; }