using Gtk; class IdCardWidget : Box { public IdCard id_card { get; set; default = null; } private VBox main_vbox; private Table table; public Button delete_button { get; private set; default = null; } public Button details_button { get; private set; default = null; } public Button send_button { get; private set; default = null; } private HButtonBox hbutton_box; private EventBox event_box; public signal void expanded (); public signal void remove_id (); public signal void details_id (); public signal void send_id (); public void collapse () { this.hbutton_box.set_visible (false); set_idcard_color (); } private bool button_press_cb () { this.hbutton_box.set_visible (!hbutton_box.get_visible ()); set_idcard_color (); if (hbutton_box.get_visible () == true) this.expanded (); return false; } private void delete_button_cb () { this.remove_id (); } private void details_button_cb () { this.details_id (); } private void send_button_cb () { this.send_id (); } private void set_idcard_color () { var color = Gdk.Color (); if (hbutton_box.get_visible () == false) { = 65535; = 65535; = 65535; } else { = 33333; = 33333; = 60000; } var state = this.get_state (); this.event_box.modify_bg (state, color); } public IdCardWidget (IdCard id_card) { string services_text = ""; this.id_card = id_card; var image = new Image.from_pixbuf (id_card.pixbuf); var display_name = Markup.printf_escaped ("%s", this.id_card.display_name); for (int i=0; i%s", service); else services_text = services_text + Markup.printf_escaped ("%s, ", service); } var text = display_name + "\n" + services_text; var id_data_label = new Label (null); id_data_label.set_markup (text); id_data_label.set_alignment ((float) 0, (float) 0.5); this.table = new Table (1, 2, false); table.attach_defaults (image, 0, 1, 0, 1); table.attach_defaults (id_data_label, 1, 2, 0, 1); this.delete_button = new Button.with_label (_("Delete")); this.details_button = new Button.with_label (_("View details")); this.send_button = new Button.with_label (_("Send")); set_atk_name_description (delete_button, _("Delete"), _("Delete this ID Card")); set_atk_name_description (details_button, _("Details"), _("View the details of this ID Card")); set_atk_name_description (send_button, _("Send"), _("Send this ID Card")); this.hbutton_box = new HButtonBox (); hbutton_box.pack_end (delete_button); hbutton_box.pack_end (details_button); hbutton_box.pack_end (send_button); delete_button.clicked.connect (delete_button_cb); details_button.clicked.connect (details_button_cb); send_button.clicked.connect (send_button_cb); this.main_vbox = new VBox (false, 12); main_vbox.pack_start (table, true, true, 0); main_vbox.pack_start (hbutton_box, false, false, 0); main_vbox.set_border_width (12); event_box = new EventBox (); event_box.add (main_vbox); event_box.button_press_event.connect (button_press_cb); this.pack_start (event_box, true, true); this.show_all (); this.hbutton_box.hide (); set_idcard_color (); } private void set_atk_name_description (Widget widget, string name, string description) { var atk_widget = widget.get_accessible (); atk_widget.set_name (name); atk_widget.set_description (description); } }