using Gee; using Gtk; class IdentityManagerView : Window { private const int WINDOW_WIDTH = 400; private const int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 500; protected IdentityManagerApp parent_app; #if OS_MACOS public OSXApplication osxApp; #endif private UIManager ui_manager = new UIManager(); private Entry search_entry; private VBox vbox_right; private CustomVBox custom_vbox; private VBox services_internal_vbox; private Entry username_entry; private Entry password_entry; private ListStore* listmodel; private TreeModelFilter filter; public IdentityManagerModel identities_manager; private SList candidates; private IdCard default_id_card; public GLib.Queue request_queue; private HashTable service_button_map; private enum Columns { IDCARD_COL, LOGO_COL, ISSUER_COL, USERNAME_COL, PASSWORD_COL, N_COLUMNS } private const string layout = "" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + "" + " " + " " + " " + ""; public IdentityManagerView(IdentityManagerApp app) { parent_app = app; #if OS_MACOS osxApp = OSXApplication.get_instance(); #endif identities_manager = parent_app.model; request_queue = new GLib.Queue(); service_button_map = new HashTable (direct_hash, direct_equal); this.title = "Moonshoot"; this.set_position (WindowPosition.CENTER); set_default_size (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); build_ui(); setup_list_model(); load_id_cards(); #if OS_MACOS osxApp = app.osxApp; #endif connect_signals(); } public void on_card_list_changed () { load_id_cards(); } public void add_candidate (IdCard idcard) { candidates.append (idcard); } private bool visible_func (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter) { IdCard id_card; model.get (iter, Columns.IDCARD_COL, out id_card); if (id_card == null) return false; if (candidates != null) { bool is_candidate = false; foreach (IdCard candidate in candidates) { if (candidate == id_card) is_candidate = true; } if (!is_candidate) return false; } string entry_text = search_entry.get_text (); if (entry_text == null || entry_text == "") { return true; } foreach (string search_text in entry_text.split(" ")) { if (search_text == "") continue; string search_text_casefold = search_text.casefold (); if (id_card.issuer != null) { string issuer_casefold = id_card.issuer; if (issuer_casefold.contains (search_text_casefold)) return true; } if (id_card.display_name != null) { string display_name_casefold = id_card.display_name.casefold (); if (display_name_casefold.contains (search_text_casefold)) return true; } if ( > 0) { foreach (string service in { string service_casefold = service.casefold (); if (service_casefold.contains (search_text_casefold)) return true; } } } return false; } private void setup_list_model () { this.listmodel = new ListStore (Columns.N_COLUMNS, typeof (IdCard), typeof (Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string)); this.filter = new TreeModelFilter (listmodel, null); filter.set_visible_func (visible_func); } private void search_entry_icon_press_cb (EntryIconPosition pos, Gdk.Event event) { if (pos == EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY) { print ("Search entry icon pressed\n"); } else { this.search_entry.set_text (""); } } private void search_entry_text_changed_cb () { this.filter.refilter (); redraw_id_card_widgets (); var has_text = this.search_entry.get_text_length () > 0; this.search_entry.set_icon_sensitive (EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, has_text); this.search_entry.set_icon_sensitive (EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, has_text); this.vbox_right.set_visible (false); } private bool search_entry_key_press_event_cb (Gdk.EventKey e) { if(Gdk.keyval_name(e.keyval) == "Escape") this.search_entry.set_text(""); // Continue processing this event, since the // text entry functionality needs to see it too. return false; } private void load_id_cards () { var children = this.custom_vbox.get_children (); foreach (var id_card_widget in children) { remove_id_card_widget((IdCardWidget)id_card_widget); } this.default_id_card = null; LinkedList card_list = identities_manager.get_card_list() ; if (card_list == null) { return; } foreach (IdCard id_card in card_list) { add_id_card_data (id_card); add_id_card_widget (id_card); } if (card_list.size > 0){ this.default_id_card = card_list.first(); } } private void fill_details (IdCardWidget id_card_widget) { var id_card = id_card_widget.id_card; this.username_entry.set_text (id_card.username); this.password_entry.set_text (id_card.password ?? ""); var children = this.services_internal_vbox.get_children (); foreach (var hbox in children) hbox.destroy(); fill_services_vbox (id_card_widget.id_card); // identities_manager.store_id_cards(); } private void show_details (IdCard id_card) { this.vbox_right.set_visible (!vbox_right.get_visible ()); if (this.vbox_right.get_visible () == false) { this.resize (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); } } private void details_identity_cb (IdCardWidget id_card_widget) { fill_details (id_card_widget); show_details (id_card_widget.id_card); } private IdCard get_id_card_data (AddIdentityDialog dialog) { var id_card = new IdCard (); id_card.display_name = dialog.display_name; id_card.issuer = dialog.issuer; if (id_card.issuer == "") id_card.issuer = "Issuer"; id_card.username = dialog.username; id_card.password = dialog.password; = {}; id_card.set_data("pixbuf", find_icon ("avatar-default", 48)); return id_card; } private void add_id_card_data (IdCard id_card) { TreeIter iter; Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf; this.listmodel->append (out iter); pixbuf = id_card.get_data("pixbuf"); listmodel->set (iter, Columns.IDCARD_COL, id_card, Columns.LOGO_COL, pixbuf, Columns.ISSUER_COL, id_card.issuer, Columns.USERNAME_COL, id_card.username, Columns.PASSWORD_COL, id_card.password); } private void remove_id_card_data (IdCard id_card) { TreeIter iter; string issuer; if (listmodel->get_iter_first (out iter)) { do { listmodel->get (iter, Columns.ISSUER_COL, out issuer); if (id_card.issuer == issuer) { listmodel->remove (iter); break; } } while (listmodel->iter_next (ref iter)); } } private void add_id_card_widget (IdCard id_card) { var id_card_widget = new IdCardWidget (id_card); this.custom_vbox.add_id_card_widget (id_card_widget); id_card_widget.details_id.connect (details_identity_cb); id_card_widget.remove_id.connect (remove_identity_cb); id_card_widget.send_id.connect ((w) => send_identity_cb (w.id_card)); id_card_widget.expanded.connect (this.custom_vbox.receive_expanded_event); id_card_widget.expanded.connect (fill_details); } /* This method finds a valid display name */ public bool display_name_is_valid (string name, out string? candidate) { foreach (IdCard id_card in identities_manager.get_card_list()) { if (id_card.display_name == name) { if (&candidate != null) { for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) { string tmp = "%s %d".printf (name, i); if (display_name_is_valid (tmp, null)) { candidate = tmp; break; } } } return false; } } return true; } public void insert_id_card (IdCard id_card) { string candidate; if (!display_name_is_valid (id_card.display_name, out candidate)) { id_card.display_name = candidate; } this.identities_manager.add_card(id_card); } public bool add_identity (IdCard id_card) { /* TODO: Check if display name already exists */ var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, _("Would you like to add '%s' ID Card to the ID Card Organizer?"), id_card.display_name); dialog.show_all (); var ret = (); dialog.hide (); if (ret == Gtk.ResponseType.YES) { id_card.set_data ("pixbuf", find_icon ("avatar-default", 48)); this.insert_id_card (id_card); return true; } return false; } private void add_identity_manual_cb () { var dialog = new AddIdentityDialog (); var result = (); switch (result) { case ResponseType.OK: insert_id_card (get_id_card_data (dialog)); break; default: break; } dialog.destroy (); } private void remove_id_card_widget (IdCardWidget id_card_widget) { this.custom_vbox.remove_id_card_widget (id_card_widget); } private void remove_identity (IdCardWidget id_card_widget) { var id_card = id_card_widget.id_card; remove_id_card_widget (id_card_widget); this.identities_manager.remove_card(id_card); } private void redraw_id_card_widgets () { TreeIter iter; IdCard id_card; var children = this.custom_vbox.get_children (); foreach (var id_card_widget in children) id_card_widget.destroy(); if (filter.get_iter_first (out iter)) { do { filter.get (iter, Columns.IDCARD_COL, out id_card); add_id_card_widget (id_card); } while (filter.iter_next (ref iter)); } } private void remove_identity_cb (IdCardWidget id_card_widget) { var id_card = id_card_widget.id_card; var dialog = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, _("Are you sure you want to delete %s ID Card?"), id_card.issuer); var result = (); switch (result) { case ResponseType.YES: remove_identity (id_card_widget); break; default: break; } dialog.destroy (); } public void select_identity (IdentityRequest request) { IdCard identity = null; this.request_queue.push_tail (request); if (custom_vbox.current_idcard != null && custom_vbox.current_idcard.send_button != null) custom_vbox.current_idcard.send_button.set_sensitive (true); if (request.select_default) { identity = default_id_card; } if (identity == null) { bool has_nai = request.nai != null && request.nai != ""; bool has_srv = request.service != null && request.service != ""; bool confirm = false; IdCard nai_provided = null; foreach (IdCard id in identities_manager.get_card_list()) { /* If NAI matches we add id card to the candidate list */ if (has_nai && request.nai == id.nai) { nai_provided = id; add_candidate (id); continue; } /* If any service matches we add id card to the candidate list */ if (has_srv) { foreach (string srv in { if (request.service == srv) { add_candidate (id); continue; } } } } /* If more than one candidate we dissasociate service from all ids */ if (has_srv && candidates.length() > 1) { foreach (IdCard id in candidates) { int i = 0; SList services_list = null; bool has_service = false; foreach (string srv in { if (srv == request.service) { has_service = true; continue; } services_list.append (srv); } if (!has_service) continue; if (services_list.length () == 0) { = {}; continue; } string[] services = new string[services_list.length ()]; foreach (string srv in services_list) { services[i] = srv; i++; } = services; } } // identities_manager.store_id_cards (); /* If there are no candidates we use the service matching rules */ if (candidates.length () == 0) { foreach (IdCard id in identities_manager.get_card_list()) { foreach (Rule rule in id.rules) { if (!match_service_pattern (request.service, rule.pattern)) continue; candidates.append (id); if (rule.always_confirm == "true") confirm = true; } } } if (candidates.length () > 1) { if (has_nai && nai_provided != null) { identity = nai_provided; confirm = false; } else confirm = true; } else identity = candidates.nth_data (0); /* TODO: If candidate list empty return fail */ if (confirm) { filter.refilter(); redraw_id_card_widgets (); show (); return; } } // Send back the identity (we can't directly run the // callback because we may be being called from a 'yield') Idle.add (() => { send_identity_cb (identity); return false; }); return; } private bool match_service_pattern (string service, string pattern) { var pspec = new PatternSpec (pattern); return pspec.match_string (service); } public void send_identity_cb (IdCard identity) { return_if_fail (request_queue.length > 0); var request = this.request_queue.pop_head (); bool reset_password = false; if (request.service != null && request.service != "") { string[] services = new string[ + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) services[i] =[i]; services[] = request.service; = services; // identities_manager.store_id_cards(); } if (identity.password == null) { var dialog = new AddPasswordDialog (); var result = (); switch (result) { case ResponseType.OK: identity.password = dialog.password; reset_password = ! dialog.remember; break; default: identity = null; break; } dialog.destroy (); } if (this.request_queue.is_empty()) this.hide (); if (identity != null) this.default_id_card = identity; request.return_identity (identity); if (reset_password) identity.password = null; candidates = null; } private void label_make_bold (Label label) { var font_desc = new Pango.FontDescription (); font_desc.set_weight (Pango.Weight.BOLD); /* This will only affect the weight of the font, the rest is * from the current state of the widget, which comes from the * theme or user prefs, since the font desc only has the * weight flag turned on. */ label.modify_font (font_desc); } private void fill_services_vbox (IdCard id_card) { int i = 0; var n_columns =; var services_table = new Table (n_columns, 2, false); services_table.set_col_spacings (10); services_table.set_row_spacings (10); this.services_internal_vbox.add (services_table); service_button_map.remove_all (); foreach (string service in { var label = new Label (service); label.set_alignment (0, (float) 0.5); #if VALA_0_12 var remove_button = new Button.from_stock (Stock.REMOVE); #else var remove_button = new Button.from_stock (STOCK_REMOVE); #endif service_button_map.insert (remove_button, service); remove_button.clicked.connect ((remove_button) => { var dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, _("Are you sure you want to stop '%s' ID Card from being used with %s?"), custom_vbox.current_idcard.id_card.display_name, _("this service")); var ret =; dialog.hide(); if (ret == Gtk.ResponseType.YES) { IdCard idcard = custom_vbox.current_idcard.id_card; var candidate = service_button_map.lookup (remove_button); SList services = new SList(); foreach (string srv in { if (srv == candidate) continue; services.append (srv); } = new string[services.length()]; for (int j=0; j", "Sam Thursfield ", "Alberto Ruiz ", null }; string copyright = "Copyright 2011 JANET"; string license = """ Copyright (c) 2011, JANET(UK) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of JANET(UK) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """; Gtk.show_about_dialog (this, "comments", _("Moonshot project UI"), "copyright", copyright, "website", "", "license", license, "website-label", _("Visit the Moonshot project web site"), "authors", authors, "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"), null ); } private Gtk.ActionEntry[] create_actions() { Gtk.ActionEntry[] actions = new Gtk.ActionEntry[0]; Gtk.ActionEntry filemenu = { "FileMenuAction", null, N_("_File"), null, null, null }; actions += filemenu; Gtk.ActionEntry add = { "AddIdCardAction", #if VALA_0_12 Stock.ADD, #else STOCK_ADD, #endif N_("Add ID Card"), null, N_("Add a new ID Card"), add_identity_manual_cb }; actions += add; Gtk.ActionEntry quit = { "QuitAction", #if VALA_0_12 Stock.QUIT, #else STOCK_QUIT, #endif N_("Quit"), "Q", N_("Quit the application"), Gtk.main_quit }; actions += quit; Gtk.ActionEntry helpmenu = { "HelpMenuAction", null, N_("_Help"), null, null, null }; actions += helpmenu; Gtk.ActionEntry about = { "AboutAction", #if VALA_0_12 Stock.ABOUT, #else STOCK_ABOUT, #endif N_("About"), null, N_("About this application"), on_about_action }; actions += about; return actions; } private void create_ui_manager () { Gtk.ActionGroup action_group = new Gtk.ActionGroup ("GeneralActionGroup"); action_group.add_actions (create_actions (), this); ui_manager.insert_action_group (action_group, 0); try { ui_manager.add_ui_from_string (layout, -1); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message); } ui_manager.ensure_update (); } private void build_ui() { create_ui_manager (); this.search_entry = new Entry(); set_atk_name_description (search_entry, _("Search entry"), _("Search for a specific ID Card")); this.search_entry.set_icon_from_pixbuf (EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, find_icon_sized ("edit-find", Gtk.IconSize.MENU)); // find_icon_sized ("edit-find-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.MENU)); this.search_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text (EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, _("Search identity or service")); this.search_entry.set_icon_sensitive (EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, false); this.search_entry.set_icon_from_pixbuf (EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, find_icon_sized ("process-stop", Gtk.IconSize.MENU)); // find_icon_sized ("edit-clear-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.MENU)); this.search_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text (EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("Clear the current search")); this.search_entry.set_icon_sensitive (EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, false); this.search_entry.icon_press.connect (search_entry_icon_press_cb); this.search_entry.notify["text"].connect (search_entry_text_changed_cb); this.search_entry.key_press_event.connect(search_entry_key_press_event_cb); this.custom_vbox = new CustomVBox (this, false, 6); var viewport = new Viewport (null, null); viewport.set_border_width (6); viewport.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.NONE); viewport.add (custom_vbox); var scroll = new ScrolledWindow (null, null); scroll.set_policy (PolicyType.NEVER, PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); scroll.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.IN); scroll.add_with_viewport (viewport); var vbox_left = new VBox (false, 0); vbox_left.pack_start (search_entry, false, false, 6); vbox_left.pack_start (scroll, true, true, 0); vbox_left.set_size_request (WINDOW_WIDTH, 0); var login_vbox_title = new Label (_("Login: ")); label_make_bold (login_vbox_title); login_vbox_title.set_alignment (0, (float) 0.5); var username_label = new Label (_("Username:")); username_label.set_alignment (1, (float) 0.5); this.username_entry = new Entry (); var password_label = new Label (_("Password:")); password_label.set_alignment (1, (float) 0.5); this.password_entry = new Entry (); password_entry.set_invisible_char ('*'); password_entry.set_visibility (false); var remember_checkbutton = new CheckButton.with_label (_("Remember password")); var login_table = new Table (3, 3, false); login_table.set_col_spacings (10); login_table.set_row_spacings (10); login_table.attach_defaults (username_label, 0, 1, 0, 1); login_table.attach_defaults (username_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1); login_table.attach_defaults (password_label, 0, 1, 1, 2); login_table.attach_defaults (password_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2); login_table.attach_defaults (remember_checkbutton, 1, 2, 2, 3); var login_vbox_alignment = new Alignment (0, 0, 0, 0); login_vbox_alignment.set_padding (0, 0, 12, 0); login_vbox_alignment.add (login_table); var login_vbox = new VBox (false, 6); login_vbox.pack_start (login_vbox_title, false, true, 0); login_vbox.pack_start (login_vbox_alignment, false, true, 0); var services_vbox_title = new Label (_("Services:")); label_make_bold (services_vbox_title); services_vbox_title.set_alignment (0, (float) 0.5); var services_vbox_alignment = new Alignment (0, 0, 0, 0); services_vbox_alignment.set_padding (0, 0, 12, 0); this.services_internal_vbox = new VBox (true, 6); services_vbox_alignment.add (services_internal_vbox); var services_vbox = new VBox (false, 6); services_vbox.pack_start (services_vbox_title, false, true, 0); services_vbox.pack_start (services_vbox_alignment, false, true, 0); this.vbox_right = new VBox (false, 18); vbox_right.pack_start (login_vbox, false, true, 0); vbox_right.pack_start (services_vbox, false, true, 0); var hbox = new HBox (false, 12); hbox.pack_start (vbox_left, true, true, 0); hbox.pack_start (vbox_right, false, false, 0); var main_vbox = new VBox (false, 0); main_vbox.set_border_width (12); #if OS_MACOS // hide the File | Quit menu item which is now on the Mac Menu Gtk.Widget quit_item = this.ui_manager.get_widget("/MenuBar/FileMenu/Quit"); quit_item.hide(); Gtk.MenuShell menushell = this.ui_manager.get_widget("/MenuBar") as Gtk.MenuShell; osxApp.set_menu_bar(menushell); osxApp.set_use_quartz_accelerators(true); osxApp.sync_menu_bar(); osxApp.ready(); #else var menubar = this.ui_manager.get_widget ("/MenuBar"); main_vbox.pack_start (menubar, false, false, 0); #endif main_vbox.pack_start (hbox, true, true, 0); add (main_vbox); main_vbox.show_all(); this.vbox_right.hide (); } private void set_atk_name_description (Widget widget, string name, string description) { var atk_widget = widget.get_accessible (); atk_widget.set_name (name); atk_widget.set_description (description); } private void connect_signals() { this.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit); this.identities_manager.card_list_changed.connect(this.on_card_list_changed); } }