dnl look for the (ucd|net)snmp libraries dnl $Id: ucdsnmp.m4,v 1.11 2005/04/26 19:14:08 shadow Exp $ AC_DEFUN([CMU_UCDSNMP], [ AC_REQUIRE([CMU_FIND_LIB_SUBDIR]) AC_REQUIRE([CMU_SOCKETS]) AC_ARG_WITH(snmp, [ --with-snmp=DIR use ucd|net snmp (rooted in DIR) [yes] ], with_snmp=$withval, with_snmp=yes) dnl dnl Maintain backwards compatibility with old --with-ucdsnmp option dnl AC_ARG_WITH(ucdsnmp,, with_snmp=$withval,) if test "$with_snmp" != "no"; then dnl dnl Try net-snmp first dnl if test "$with_snmp" = "yes"; then AC_PATH_PROG(SNMP_CONFIG,net-snmp-config,,[/usr/local/bin:$PATH]) else SNMP_CONFIG="$with_snmp/bin/net-snmp-config" fi if test -x "$SNMP_CONFIG"; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(NET SNMP libraries) SNMP_LIBS=`$SNMP_CONFIG --agent-libs` SNMP_PREFIX=`$SNMP_CONFIG --prefix` if test -n "$SNMP_LIBS" && test -n "$SNMP_PREFIX"; then CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${SNMP_PREFIX}/include" LIB_UCDSNMP=$SNMP_LIBS AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETSNMP,1,[Do we have Net-SNMP support?]) AC_SUBST(LIB_UCDSNMP) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find the required paths. Please check your net-snmp installation.]) fi else dnl dnl Try ucd-snmp if net-snmp test failed dnl if test "$with_snmp" != no; then if test -d "$with_snmp"; then CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${with_snmp}/include" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${with_snmp}/$CMU_LIB_SUBDIR" fi cmu_save_LIBS="$LIBS" AC_CHECK_LIB(snmp, sprint_objid, [ AC_CHECK_HEADER(ucd-snmp/version.h,, with_snmp=no)], with_snmp=no, ${LIB_SOCKET}) LIBS="$cmu_save_LIBS" fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(UCD SNMP libraries) AC_MSG_RESULT($with_snmp) LIB_UCDSNMP="" if test "$with_snmp" != no; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UCDSNMP,1,[Do we have UCD-SNMP support?]) LIB_UCDSNMP="-lucdagent -lucdmibs -lsnmp" AC_CHECK_LIB(rpm, rpmdbOpen, LIB_UCDSNMP="${LIB_UCDSNMP} -lrpm -lpopt",,-lpopt) fi AC_SUBST(LIB_UCDSNMP) fi fi ])