First we need to install and configure moonshot, its dependencies, and a local RADIUS server for testing In a real deployment, a local RADIUS server is not needed, however it simplifies testing if one is available __gss-server__ and __gss-client__ are standard Kerberos diagnostic tools, which give us a lot of information that is helpful for debugging Again, in a real deployment these are not required, but help with testing This guide walks through deploying the client, IdP and SP portions of moonshot - depending on your target, some steps may be inappropriate. ## Environment ### LD_LIBRARY_PATH __LD_LIBRARY_PATH__ has to have _/opt/moonshot/lib64/_ and _/usr/lib64/freeradius_ added to it.
The best way to do this is create a file at _/etc/profile.d/moonshot.sh_, with the following: if [ [ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH != */opt/moonshot/lib64/:/usr/lib64/freeradius/* ] ] then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/moonshot/lib64/:/usr/lib64/freeradius/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi This is required as moonshot currently stores its modified libraries separately to the main system ones to avoid conflicts. This should not be necessary in the future. ### SELinux set to permissive Moonshot has a couple of outstanding issues regarding proper labeling of _SELinux_ contexts, causing it to fail when _SELinux_ is enforcing. This should be resolved soon - change the setting in _/etc/sysconfig/selinux_, or in _/etc/rc.local_: echo 0 > /selinux/enforce ### EPEL Moonshot needs __EPEL__ for a few extra libraries (as pulling them from a semi-supported repository is preferable to repackaging).
The simplest way to install EPEL is: yum install epel-release ## Moonshot Packages The RPM's and SRPM's for moonshot are currently hosted at [] - this may change (and in fact, is quite likely to change) in the future. The packages are currently unsigned. First we need to install and configure moonshot, its dependencies, and a local RADIUS server for testing In a real deployment, a local RADIUS server is not needed, however it simplifies testing if one is available __gss-server__ and __gss-client__ are standard Kerberos diagnostic tools, which give us a lot of information that is helpful for debugging Again, in a real deployment these are not required, but help with testing This guide walks through deploying the client, IdP and SP portions of moonshot - depending on your target, some steps may be inappropriate. ## Environment ### LD_LIBRARY_PATH __LD_LIBRARY_PATH__ has to have _/opt/moonshot/lib64/_ and _/usr/lib64/freeradius_ added to it.
The best way to do this is create a file at _/etc/profile.d/moonshot.sh_, with the following: if [ [ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH != */opt/moonshot/lib64/:/usr/lib64/freeradius/* ] ] then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/moonshot/lib64/:/usr/lib64/freeradius/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi This is required as moonshot currently stores its modified libraries separately to the main system ones to avoid conflicts. This should not be necessary in the future. ### SELinux set to permissive Moonshot has a couple of outstanding issues regarding proper labeling of _SELinux_ contexts, causing it to fail when _SELinux_ is enforcing. This should be resolved soon - change the setting in _/etc/sysconfig/selinux_, or in _/etc/rc.local_: echo 0 > /selinux/enforce ### EPEL Moonshot needs __EPEL__ for a few extra libraries (as pulling them from a semi-supported repository is preferable to repackaging).
The simplest way to install EPEL is: yum install epel-release ## Moonshot Packages The RPM's and SRPM's for moonshot are currently hosted at [[]] - this may change (and in fact, is quite likely to change) in the future. The packages are currently unsigned.
Example _/etc/yum.repos.d/moonshot.repo_ [Moonshot] name=Moonshot baseurl= gpgcheck=0 After setting up the repository definition, we'll set up a composite ORPS/IdP. ##Moonshot IdP To install the diagnostic tools (only needed for testing) and the RADIUSd: yum install freeradius krb5-moonshot-devel moonshot-gss-eap Once FreeRADIUS is installed, a source of identity needs to be enabled - either the roaming network in the case of an ORPS, or AD/LDAP/etc for an IdP. For now, we'll just use a flat file. Open _/etc/raddb/users_ and locate the following fragment: # This is a complete entry for "steve". Note that there is no Fall-Through # entry so that no DEFAULT entry will be used, and the user will NOT # get any attributes in addition to the ones listed here. # # steve Cleartext-Password := "testing" # Service-Type = Framed-User, # Framed-Protocol = PPP, Uncomment the line beginning __steve__. __Chargeable-User-Identity__ is the value used to decide what user account to log in the user as on the SSH server.
This value would normally be set by your local RADIUS proxy (ORPS) – so in a real deployment, rather than statically logging the user in as __moonshot__ you may decide to use something like
If anonymity is required, you could use a Perl or Python script to generate something like
The exact value does not matter – only that the mappings are consistent, so that the user gets access to the same local account each time. To allow creation of accounts on demand you could use __LDAP__ – when the ORPS sees a successful authentication, it could trigger a script that creates the desired account in an __LDAP__ domain. It is not guaranteed that __Chargeable-User-Identity__ will be used permanently – in the future a specific RADIUS attribute may be created instead. To activate CUI insertion, Edit _/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default_, and find the post-auth section, and add the following: update reply { Chargeable-User-Identity = "moonshot" } Note in the case of an ORPS you need to unfilter this attribute in _/etc/raddb/attrs_ to prevent this attribute from being stripped on roaming requests. A legacy attribute required for SSH at this time is the user name returned by the IdP. To make this happen, Edit _/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel_, find the following and uncomment it: #update outer.reply { # User-Name = "%{request:User-Name}" #} Finally, set the EAP type in use by moonshot (EAP-TTLS) by editing _/etc/raddb/eap.conf_ default_eap_type = md5 FreeRADIUS now has a very minimal IdP/ORPS configuration, and can be started with: service radiusd restart If you encounter any issues, you can run radius in debug mode to see what is going on internally. service radiusd stop radiusd -X When in debug mode, FreeRADIUS acts as an interactive program, so it should be run on a separate console, or under GNU Screen. ##Moonshot Proper First we need a minimal _/etc/radsec.conf_ dictionary = "/etc/raddb/dictionary" realm gss-eap { type = "UDP" timeout = 5 retries = 3 server { hostname = "" service = "1812" secret = "testing123" } } This tells the moonshot SP where to find a RADIUS server for authentication - in this case, we will use the local server just configured.
Moonshot will ultimately use RADSEC for communicating with the radius server – in which case you would use __transport="TCP"__ in _/etc/radsc.conf_
Ultimately, the final values depend on the deployment – probably the address, port and secret used by your ORPS. ###gss_eap_id Next, a file is created in the home directory at _~/.gss_eap_id_ – this is the file that moonshot looks in for credentials. The format is very simple – username followed by a password. For now, set it to: steve testing In a deployment with a GUI, this file is replaced by the Moonshot Identity Selector. It is conceivable in the future that the Identity Selector GUI will be supplemented with a curses-like UI, or other mechanism allowing console usage. ###Shibboleth Moonshot uses _libshib_ to parse RADIUS and SAML attributes – SAML assertions can be embedded inside RADIUS responses by the IdP, allowing an ORPS to exercise a very fine-grained authorization policy. In the demo we just use a very simple example – mapping the _Chargeable-User-Identity_ to a local user account, but in a real deployment you could map a SAML attribute to the user account just as easily. Delete _/etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml_ and replace it with: In this case, 89 corresponds to _Chargeable-User-Identity_, which is mapped to _local-login-user_, which sets the local account that the user will be given access to. To load the moonshot extensions, under the root node in /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml, add: Further down the same file, find this line: Directly underneath it, add: Note that this file is sensitive to the order of statements. ###/etc/gss/mech This file tells moonshot what encryption options are valid for use with GSS. # # Sample mechanism glue configuration for EAP GSS mechanism. # # Any encryption type supported by Kerberos can be defined as the # last element of the OID arc. # eap-aes128 eap-aes256 ##Testing Functionality As mentioned earlier, we will be using the Kerberos test tools to make sure that things are working. To start the gss-server, run: /opt/moonshot/sbin/gss-server host@localhost & There are two ways to start gss-client – the first specifies an encryption method to use by its OID (as seen in /etc/gss/mech): /opt/moonshot/bin/gss-client -mech "{1 3 6 1 4 1 5322 22 1 18}" host@localhost bar The second uses Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) This chooses the "best" mutually-agreeable encryption method for between client and server. To invoke the client using SPNEGO, use: /opt/moonshot/bin/gss-client -spnego host@localhost bar ##Sample Output Attribute local-login-user Authenticated Complete moonshot 6d6f6f6e73686f74 UID: 501 Accepted connection: "steve" Sending init_sec_context token (size=150)...continue needed... context flag: GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG context flag: GSS_C_REPLAY_FLAG context flag: GSS_C_SEQUENCE_FLAG context flag: GSS_C_CONF_FLAG context flag: GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG "steve" to "host/", lifetime -1, flags 13e, locally initiated, open Name type of source name is { 1 2 840 113554 1 2 1 1 }. Mechanism { 1 3 6 1 5 5 2 } supports 4 names 0: { 1 2 840 113554 1 2 1 1 } 1: { 1 2 840 113554 1 2 1 2 } 2: { 1 2 840 113554 1 2 1 3 } 3: { 1 2 840 113554 1 2 1 4 } Received message: "testing" Signature verified. NOOP token Running gss- client produces a massive amount of output. The important part is at the end – you should see output similar to what is on the previous slide. If you do not see the line: Attribute local-login-user Authenticated Complete Then attribute mapping is not functioning properly, and you need to check your shibboleth configuration. ##SSH To install moonshot-enabled SSH: yum install openssh-moonshot-clients openssh-moonshot-server Inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and if these values are not set already: Uncomment UsePrivilegeSeparation and set it to ‘no’ UsePriviligeSeparation no Uncomment GSSAPIAuthentication and set it to ‘yes’ GSSAPIAuthentication yes Uncomment GSSAPIKeyExchange and set it to ‘yes’ GSSAPIKeyExchange yes Inside /etc/ssh/ssh_config and if these values are not set already: Uncomment GSSAPIAuthentication and set it to ‘yes’ GSSAPIAuthentication yes Uncomment GSSAPIKeyExchange and set it to ‘yes’ GSSAPIKeyExchange yes ###Running SSH Finally, we need to start sshd on a seperate port: /opt/moonshot/sbin/sshd –p 2222 At this time we do not recommend running openssh-moonshot as the systemwide SSH client or server – it should be installed alongside the the standard SSH client and server. Also note, that sshd must be invoked with its full path, i.e. /opt/moonshot/sbin/sshd. Finally, try connecting with the following: /opt/moonshot/bin/ssh –p 2222 –l "" With any luck, magic happens and you are logged in as the user specified in your Chargeable-User-Identity! After successfully logging in, don’t forget to type "exit" to end the SSH session and return to the root shell. Note in the SSH client command, the option -l "" – this signifies that no username is to be sent to the SSH server.