[[!meta title="Preparing Test Builds"]] This page describes performing test builds to run on Painless Security's test infrastructure. Log into moonbuild ( and check out a tree. Below we check out a writable tree, because you'll probably end up making some changes: ssh -A @ git clone @moonshot.suchdamage.org:/srv/git/moonshot.git this will leave you on the master branch of the [[Moonshot repository|branches]]. However, to build Debian test packages, you want to be on the debian branch. So: cd moonshot git checkout debian git submodule update --init Now, merge in the changes you want to test. Let's say that you're updating moonshotUI and that your changes are already on master. cd ui git merge origin/master Now we'll need to update the debian version number so we can do a fresh build: dch -i This will pull up an editor. Describe the change. You will be modifying debian/changelog. We will not commit this file because we're just generating test packages. You probably want to run: autoreconf -f -i To regenerate configure scripts. Change back to the root of your checkout of the master repository. Now, we want to disable stripping and optimization for our builds: export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="noopt nostrip" Now would be a good time to remove the "debian_build" directory if it has contents from a previous build. And run the builds ./debian-builder -s -c -s wheezy-i386 -s --arch=i386 -s -A The "-s" option gets repeated a lot because it passes the following option to sbuild, the Debian package build infrastructure. That will run an i386 (32-bit) build of the software using the wheezy-i386 (Debian 7.0) chroot (filesystem image). For directories include the directory of the software you're wishing to build. The build summary will have a status of "successful" if the build is successful. Most failures result in a status of "attempted". The output packages will be placed in the debian_build directory. Copy these to any test machines you like. You might like a loop something like for ip in 21 22 23 90; do rsync -e ssh -a debian_build root@10.1.10.$ip:/tmp done That will copy the debian_build directory to the listed machines. Log into these machines and run cd /tmp/debian_build dpkg -i packages_you_want_to_install If dependencies are not installed try running "aptitude install" to fix. Make sure it doesn't "fix" things by removing the package you just installed. You can run git reset --hard In the submodule checkout to throw awy your changes if you need to re-merge in some new fixes.