language: c compiler: - clang - gcc sudo: false env: global: - PANIC_ACTION="gdb -batch -x raddb/panic.gdb %e %p 1>&0 2>&0" - secure: "H+uQeyOgsIyXtIPPG2VzAG8S/8KYGHlHaWhdiNuz1LM3SMcEKoPqG6o/P+HO8HVvYnA6nelyGuEryV90UfuwGY9YC6A/pqPQvx/gXSso63Zt66XSaiZjulCSm9OV8EB3wyWF7VSQ/ZHcn+L01hIlsQXTqLprMaC33cM0FYPr9fY=" matrix: - DO_BUILD=yes LIBS_OPTIONAL=no LIBS_SHARED=yes BUILD_CFLAGS="-DWITH_EVAL_DEBUG" - DO_BUILD=yes LIBS_OPTIONAL=yes LIBS_SHARED=yes BUILD_CFLAGS="-DWITH_EVAL_DEBUG" - DO_BUILD=yes LIBS_OPTIONAL=yes LIBS_SHARED=yes BUILD_CFLAGS="-DWITH_EVAL_DEBUG -O2 -g3" - DO_BUILD=no addons: coverity_scan: project: name: FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server version: v3.0.x description: The FreeRADIUS server project notification_email: build_command_prepend: ./configure build_command: make branch_pattern: coverity_scan apt: sources: - couchbase-precise packages: - autoconf - build-essential - debhelper - devscripts - dh-make - doxygen - fakeroot - gdb - graphviz - lintian - pbuilder - python-dev - quilt - libruby - ruby-dev - libcollectdclient-dev - firebird-dev - freetds-dev - libcap-dev - libcouchbase2-libevent - libcouchbase-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libgdbm-dev - libhiredis-dev - libidn11-dev - libiodbc2-dev libiodbc2 - libjson0 - libjson0-dev - libkrb5-dev - libldap2-dev - libmemcached-dev - libmysqlclient-dev - libpam0g-dev - libpcap-dev - libpcre3-dev - libperl-dev - libpq-dev - libreadline-dev - libsnmp-dev - libssl-dev - libtalloc-dev - libtalloc2-dbg - libunbound-dev - libwbclient-dev - libykclient-dev - libyubikey-dev before_install: - $CC --version before_script: # Configure the server - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'yes' ]; then CFLAGS="${BUILD_CFLAGS}" ./configure -C --enable-werror --prefix=$HOME/freeradius --with-shared-libs=$LIBS_SHARED --with-threads=$LIBS_OPTIONAL --with-udpfromto=$LIBS_OPTIONAL --with-openssl=$LIBS_OPTIONAL --with-pcre=$LIBS_OPTIONAL; fi - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'no' ]; then ./configure -C --without-modules; fi # Build the server - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'yes' ]; then make -j8; fi # Run CLANG analyzer if we're building with CLANG - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'yes' -a "${COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH}" != 1 -a ${CC} = 'clang' ]; then make -j8 scan && [ "$(find build/plist/ -name *.html)" = '' ]; fi script: - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'yes' -a "${COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH}" != 1 ]; then make travis-test; fi # - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'no' ]; then make deb; fi # Build the doxygen documentation - if [ "${DO_BUILD}" = 'no' ]; then cd doc/source; doxygen 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep -iv '^warning:' | tee doxygen_stderr.log && [ ! -n "$(cat doxygen_stderr.log)" ]; fi