#!/bin/sh # # $Id$ # # Sample script to run when a 'user' file entry is similar to: # #bob Password == "bob" # Exec-Program-Wait = "/path/to/program/exec-program-wait" # # For 'acct_users': # #DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Start # Exec-Program = "/path/to/exec/acct/start" # #DEFAULT Acct-Status-Type == Stop # Exec-Program = "/path/to/exec/acct/stop" # # # Each of the attributes in the request will be available in an # environment variable. The name of the variable depends on the # name of the attribute. All letters are converted to upper case, # and all hyphens '-' to underlines. # # For example, the User-Name attribute will be in the $USER_NAME # environment variable. If you want to see the list of all of # the variables, try adding a line 'printenv > /tmp/exec-program-wait' # to the script. Then look in the file for a complete list of # variables. # echo "Reply-Message += \"Hello, %u\"," echo "Reply-Message += \"PATH=$PATH\"," echo Framed-IP-Address = exit 0