The module provides the following option to deal with GSS API name attributes: #### GssapiNameAttributes Enables the module to source Name Attributes from the client name (authorization data associated with the established context) and exposes them as environment variables. Value format: ENV_VAR_NAME ATTRIBUTE_NAME This option can be specified multiple times, once for each attribute to expose. The Special value "json" is used to expose all attributes in a json formatted string via the special environment variable GSS_NAME_ATTRS_JSON The environment variable GSS_NAME_ATTR_ERROR is set with the Gssapi returned error string in case the inquire name function fails to retrieve attributes, and with the string "0 attributes found", if no attributes are set. #### Example GssapiNameAttributes json GssapiNameAttributes RADIUS_USER_NAME urn:ietf:params:gss:radius-attribute 1 GssapiNameAttributes EPPN urn:ietf:params:gss:federated-saml-attribute urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri urn:oid: #### Feedback on authentication failure reason In addition to this, in the event of an authentication failure, the module exports an environment variable called MAG_ERROR wich contains one of the following values: * "NO_AUTH_DATA" when the client did not send any authentication data (usually because the appropriate libraries are not installed on the browser). * "UNSUP_AUTH_TYPE" when the client sent authentication data of an invalid type. * "GSS_MECH_ERROR" when the GSS mechanism failed for some reason (e.g. invalid credentials). In addition to this, whenever MAG_ERROR takes a value of "GSS_MECH_ERROR", an additional environment variable named GSS_ERROR_STR is sourced. This variable contains the result of the gss_display_status() call and may help web developers to show a more appropriate error page/string to the user.