using Moonshot; namespace WebProvisioning { public static int main (string[] args) { int arg_index = -1; int force_flat_file_store = 0; bool bad_switch = false; for (arg_index = 1; arg_index < args.length; arg_index++) { string arg = args[arg_index]; unichar c = arg.get_char(); if (c=='-') { arg = arg.next_char(); c = arg.get_char(); switch (c) { case 'f': force_flat_file_store = 1; break; default: bad_switch = true; break; } } else { break; // arg is not a switch; presume it's the file } } if (bad_switch || (arg_index != args.length - 1)) { stdout.printf (_("Usage %s [-f] WEB_PROVISIONING_FILE\n -f: add identities to flat file store.\n"), args[0]); return -1; } string webp_file = args[arg_index]; if (!FileUtils.test (webp_file, FileTest.EXISTS | FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) { stdout.printf (_("%s does not exist\n"), webp_file); return -1; } var webp = new Parser (webp_file); webp.parse(); foreach (IdCard card in cards) { Moonshot.Error error; string[] rules_patterns = {}; string[] rules_always_confirm = {}; if (card.rules.length > 0) { int i = 0; rules_patterns = new string[card.rules.length]; rules_always_confirm = new string[card.rules.length]; foreach (Rule r in card.rules) { rules_patterns[i] = r.pattern; rules_always_confirm[i] = r.always_confirm; i++; } } Moonshot.install_id_card (card.display_name, card.username, card.password, card.issuer, rules_patterns, rules_always_confirm,, card.trust_anchor.ca_cert, card.trust_anchor.subject, card.trust_anchor.subject_alt, card.trust_anchor.server_cert, force_flat_file_store, out error); if (error != null) { stderr.printf ("Error: %s", error.message); continue; } } return 0; } }