Dim WshShell, versionArray, versionElement, versionNumbers, regValue, foundVersionsStr Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") versionNumbers = Session.Property("OLDSHIBVERSIONSTOUNINSTALL") versionArray = split( versionNumbers, ";" ) foundVersionsStr = "" for each versionElement in versionArray if (versionElement<>"") then 'if RegRead fails, it won't set regValue, and it will hold the last value instead. Make sure the 'last' value is "" regValue = "" on error resume next regValue=WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Shibboleth " & versionElement & "\UninstallString") if (regValue<>"") then foundVersionsStr = foundVersionsStr & "Shibboleth " & versionElement & vbCRLF end if end if next if (foundVersionsStr<>"") then Session.Property("OLDSHIBVERSIONSFOUND") = foundVersionsStr end if