Update RPM example cfg files to include monitoring and serial_number
[trust_router.git] / redhat / organizations.cfg
1 {
2   "serial_number": 2,
3   "communities": [
4     {
5       "apcs": [],
6       "community_id": "apc.x",
7       "idp_realms": ["apc.x",
8                      "idp.x",
9                      "other.idp.x"],
10       "rp_realms": ["rp.x",
11                     "other.rp.x"],
12       "type": "apc",
13       "expiration_interval": 30
14     },
15     {
16       "apcs": ["apc.x"],
17       "community_id": "coi.x",
18       "idp_realms": ["idp.x"],
19       "rp_realms": ["rp.x"],
20       "type": "coi"
21     }
22   ],
23   "local_organizations": [
24     {
25       "organization_name": "APC",
26       "realms": [
27         {
28           "realm": "apc.x",
29           "identity_provider": {
30             "aaa_servers": [
31               "apc.example.com"
32             ],
33             "apcs": [
34               "apc.x"
35             ],
36             "shared_config": "no"
37           }
38         }
39       ]
40     },
41     {
42       "organization_name": "Demo Organization",
43       "realms": [
44         {
45           "realm": "rp.x",
46           "gss_names": ["rp-cred@apc.x",
47                         "second-rp-cred@apc.x"],
48           "filters": {
49             "tid_inbound": [
50               {
51                 "action": "accept",
52                 "domain_constraints": [
53                   "*.example.com"
54                 ],
55                 "specs": [
56                   {
57                     "field": "rp_realm",
58                     "match": [
59                       "rp.x", "*.rp.x"
60                     ]
61                   }
62                 ],
63                 "realm_constraints": [
64                   "rp.x", "*.rp.x"
65                 ]
66               }
67             ]
68           }
69         },
70         {
71           "realm": "other.rp.x",
72           "gss_names": ["other-rp-cred@apc.x"]
73         },
74         {
75           "realm": "idp.x",
76           "gss_names": ["idp-cred@apc.x"],
77           "identity_provider": {
78             "aaa_servers": ["idp.example.com"],
79             "apcs": ["apc.x"],
80             "shared_config": "no"
81           }
82         },
83         {
84           "realm": "other.idp.x",
85           "gss_names": ["other-idp-cred@apc.x"],
86           "identity_provider": {
87             "aaa_servers": ["idp.example.com"],
88             "apcs": ["apc.x"],
89             "shared_config": "no"
90           }
91         }
92       ]
93     }
94   ],
95   "peer_organizations": [
96     {
97       "hostname": "peer.example.com:12308",
98       "gss_names": ["peer-cred@apc.x"]
99     }
100   ]
101 }